Sarah Palin, sexism, and shoddy research

I haven’t wanted to waste time and space giving attention to the dubious study that purports to show that Sarah Palin’s looks hurt her as a politician; but when Bill O’Reilly interviewed one of the academics behind the study, with Tammy Bruce also in the conversation, I had to post this.  I do think there’s some legitimate material here about the way in which women are perceived in our society, but it’s clear watching this smirking Ph.D. that she wants people to draw negative conclusions about Gov. Palin which, as O’Reilly and Bruce point out, her study simply doesn’t justify.  (The real question here is whether the Democratic Party deliberately used and encouraged societal impulses and tendencies which they would normally have denounced as “sexist” in an effort to undermine Gov. Palin specifically and the McCain/Palin ticket more generally; for my part, I think they did, and believe a study on that could be quite enlightening.)

HT:  C4P

Posted in Media, Politics, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized.

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