If you like good stories

keep an eye out for Noah Farlee. Heather McDougal at Cabinet of Wonders met him, I’m not sure where, and has a splendid post up about him; at 16, he’s already a fresh, original, creative, and truly interesting storyteller. (Check out his short story “Giskard the Genius”—warning, it’s a PDF file, because it’s graphic fiction, not merely text—and you’ll see what I mean.) I also appreciate this statement of his: “With Giskard, I wanted to prove that you could still tell a story for a story’s sake. I wanted a story that was enjoyable to people of any age, instead of just ‘acceptable’ for all ages. No gritty violence, no brooding main characters or political commentary, but also no distracting morals or nauseating innocence. Just plain clean fun.” That’s a worthy goal, I’d say, if you can pull it off—and especially if you’re honestly funny enough. This guy can, and he is, and I look forward to seeing what he comes up with next.

Posted in Books, Fantasy/science fiction, Uncategorized.

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