A crisis Pope for an age in crisis

Elias Isquith of Salon recently interviewed the Rev. Dr. Chris Hedges, the Minister of Social Witness and Prison Ministry at Second Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, NJ (PCUSA), the author of several books, and a former reporter for the New York Times.  Hedges is sounding a clarion call of warning which I’m interested to hear coming from […]

The (possible) coming global freeze

This is no certainty, but depending how things play out, we might see a short-term but serious dip in world temperatures: In a cosmically ironic twist of fate and timing, nature may be set to empirically freeze any and all anthropogenic global warming talk: a blast of Arctic cold may encase the earth in an […]

Climate and the American media

The theory of anthropogenic (i.e., human-caused) global warming is in serious trouble, but you wouldn’t know it if you get your news from the big U.S. outlets. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has a list of climate stories broken by the British media that have been ignored by the American media. His list is an […]

Cap-and-tax under fire—from the left

We have a center-left grassroots political action organization here in Indiana, focused on state environmental and energy issues, that comes around once a year wanting petition signatures on whatever their latest issue is—so far, it’s always been something beating up on the energy companies and always something to do with coal-fired plants. I was amused […]

On agenda-driven orthodoxy and the need for humility

In addition to my snark in the previous post, I do have a serious comment on the BBC’s admission that the Earth has been cooler since 1998—or perhaps I should say, sparked by that article. The remarkable thing about that article is that it’s a deviation from the liberal political orthodoxy on global warming (and […]

On this blog in history: February 10-21, 2008

A clear-eyed view of the Middle East On how the situation there didn’t look like the media made it look (and still doesn’t). Two cheers for political polarization Has political polarization actually improved our public life?  There’s good reason to think so. Abiding in the light On disagreeing like Christ. Inconvenient truth? I think there are […]

The global-warming hoax and the better environmental path

courtesy of Harold Ambler in HuffPo (which is nowhere I would have expected to see global warming called “the biggest whopper ever sold to the public in the history of humankind,” but there you go).  He does a nice job of exposing the baloney “science” underlying global-warming claims (including a point about the limited ability […]

Educational Alzheimer’s

When individuals lose their memory to Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, we universally recognize this as a tragedy, and so we pour large amounts of money into research to identify the causes and work toward developing a cure. But when the nation loses its collective memory? As any lover of history knows, that’s what’s […]

Inconvenient truth?

The conventional wisdom is that the earth is warming, that it’s the fault of human activity, and that we need to make major changes to reduce CO2 emissions or we’re heading for disaster. Certainly, that’s the line pushed by the scientific and media establishments, and by much of the political establishment as well; as for […]