Too little, too late

After sitting sphinx-like as his senior staff impugned Sarah Palin’s intelligence and character, John McCain finally opened his mouth—and this is the best he was willing to do? I’m sorry, Senator, but that’s just plain pathetic. To wait so long to say anything, and then not to address any of the specific lies floating around out there or call out any of the liars from behind their curtain of anonymity—especially given his vigorous defense of Barack Obama against attacks he deemed inappropriate—to fail to defend her against false charges given how hard she worked for you and how badly she was pummeled by your opponents for supporting your cause . . . that’s purely dishonorable. There is no other word for it.

Posted in Politics, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized.


  1. Hypocrisy is the wrong word here–wrong in emphasis, and wrong in significance, as it’s far too mild. This is more on the order of treachery, selling out an ally. I don’t remember where Dante put the hypocrites, but I know where the traitors ended up: right at the bottom of the pit.

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