To repeat: why John McCain should choose Sarah Palin

It occurred to me today that though I’ve posted a fair bit about Sarah Palin, it’s been a couple months now since I laid out the reasons that convinced me of the truth of the superficially crazy notion that the best running mate for John McCain is the first-term governor of a small red state that most Americans rarely think about. Given that more and more people are discovering her and starting to consider that superficially crazy notion for themselves, I thought that re-running those reasons might be in order.One, she’s young, just 44; she would balance out Sen. McCain’s age.Two, she has proven herself as an able executive and administrator, serving as mayor, head of the state’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, and now as governor; she would balance out Sen. McCain’s legislative experience (though he does have command experience in the Navy).Three, she has strong conservative credentials, both socially (she’s strongly pro-life, politically and personally) and fiscally (as her use of the line-item veto has shown); she would assuage concerns about Sen. McCain’s conservatism.Four, she’s independent, having risen to power against the Alaska GOP machine, not through it; she’s worked hard against the corruption in both her party and her state’s government. She would reinforce Sen. McCain’s maverick image, which is one of his greatest strengths in this election, but in a more conservative direction.Five, for the reasons listed above, she’s incredibly popular in Alaska. That might seem a minor factor to some, but it’s indicative of her abilities as a politician.Six, she has a remarkable personal story, of the sort the media would love. She’s a former beauty-pageant winner, the mother of five children (the oldest serving in the Army, preparing to deploy to Iraq, the youngest a Down Syndrome baby), an outdoorsy figure who rides snowmobiles and eats mooseburgers—and a tough, take-no-prisoners competitor who was known as “Sarah Barracuda” when she led her underdog high-school basketball team to the state championship, and who now has accomplished a similar feat in cutting her way to the governor’s office. No one now in American politics can match Sen. McCain’s life story (no, not even Barack Obama), but she comes as close as anyone can (including Sen. Obama); she fits his image.Seven, she would give the McCain campaign the “Wow!” factor it can really use in a vice-presidential nominee. As a young, attractive, tough, successful, independent-minded, appealing female politician, though not well known yet, she would make American voters sit up and take notice [as indeed she is already]; and given her past history, there could be no doubt that she would be a strong, independent voice in a McCain administration, should there be one. (Update: for those wondering how she’d do in debates, go here to watch how she did the last time around. Go here to see her inaugural address.)Eight, choosing Gov. Palin as his running mate, especially if coupled with actions like giving Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal the keynote slot at the GOP convention, would help the party going forward. The GOP needs to rebuild its bench of plausible strong future presidential candidates, and perhaps the best thing Sen. McCain can do for the party is to help with this. The party needs Gov. Jindal to stay where he is for another term or two (as, I believe, does the state of Louisiana), but in giving him the convention slot that launched Sen. Obama to prominence four years ago and putting Gov. Palin on the ticket, Sen. McCain would put two of the GOP’s best people and brightest hopes for the future in a perfect position to claim the White House themselves; in so doing, he would make them the face of the GOP for the future.

Posted in Politics, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized.


  1. VEEP Debates Q&A

    QUESTION: How will Sarah Palin do in a debate with Joe Biden?

    ANSWER: How many men watching will be aware that Biden is in the room?

  2. I wrote a rather long note about how the Democrats are making history by opening more doors to people of all genders and race. Despite our differences, that is something all of us can be proud of.
    As a father with a daughter, I can not say it strongly enough how proud it would make me for them to select Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential Nominee for the Republican Party.
    Her qualifications for the job are overwhelming and have been discussed to death. But her selection would absolutely energize the nation.
    It is time for the Republicans to step up to the plate of History and make a positive contribution, select Palin, Sen. McCain.

  3. As Dick Morris and his writing partner noted, Obama’s pick of Biden (combined with Obama and Pelosi’s recent comments re: abortion) have opened up a hole big enough for a truck to drive through. A Mac truck with Palin firmly in the shotgun seat. Obama handed this election to Mac with the choice of Biden. My reasons for Palin:

    1) Pawlenty = not exciting enough
    2) Joe L. or Tom R. or other pro-abortion pick = worst example of killing the goose ever in American politics
    3) Romney = good guy whose main problem was not that he’s Mormon, but that he’s too boring to make people forget he’s Mormon
    4) Palin = a woman (takes away or divides identity politics angle for Dems); good debater; oil state; pro life; can’t wait for Biden to have to defend Obama’s infanticide position on stage with a woman who has a down syndrome baby (that’s the election right there on straight polling data; have you seen the latest battleground poll? 60% of Americans self-identify as slighty or very conservative)

    This election is officially Mac’s to lose; make us proud, Senator!

  4. Okay, I just made myself chuckle and thought I would share. Please note, I really am not trying to offend anyone, it just seemed funny.

    Ever noticed that while we are students our views tend to be more liberal? But as we get older, we tend to become more conservative?
    (unless you live in Hollywood I suppose)

    Could this be the results of “use it or lose it” syndrome?

    It’s okay, you can laugh, I won’t tell. And yes, I realize the answer is far more complex than that, but like I said, it made me snort.

    As to the above posters comments, as much as I would like to disagree, the selection of Palin (assuming she can handle herself at a national level) would help the Republican cause greatly.

  5. Thanks, Rob. Glad I could make you laugh.

    On a more practical political note I think the tack that Mac’s campaign has taken with running Biden’s comments on the Messiah rule out Romney: there’s a lot of video out there of Romney saying some tough things about Mac. Jindal would help on the identity politics front, but does not help Mac highlight the gender gap, his primary issue of health care is not very high on most voters list (and he could do more on that issue as head of HHS or a Presidential task force), and as has been well pointed out on this blog and elsewhere, he really needs to stay in Louisiana a bit longer. Kay Bailey Hutchinson can’t really compare to Palin. She is too close to the negative image of Republican women, and she’s a Senator too. A two Senator ticket is a bad idea, and Mac should capitalize on the Messiah’s blunder. It’s just the way the nomination process went this time that we HAVE to elect one; sitting senators running for President have a bad track record.

    This choice is such a no-brainer, I will seriously question Mac’s judgment if it isn’t Palin. Open request to the Mac campaign: Set up the announcement for right after the Messiah’s Rockstar speech on Thursday, and do it just Mac and Palin and the camera and microphone from ANWR. That would be perfect.

  6. Agreed, except for your proposed setting–that would have worked for a surprise announcement, but now a) it would telegraph the pick, and b) McCain’s supposed to be in Dayton on Friday, and the travel would kill him. (Perhaps literally.)

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