Sarah Palin hits the bullseye

John McCain leads Barack Obama among women over 40—normally a solidly Democratic voting bloc. To take advantage of this, Dick Morris concludes, McCain should take dead aim at this demographic, perhaps by selecting a female running mate who would appeal to them.
To do that, are there any better options than Alaska’s Sarah Palin? I don’t think so; and as Adam Brickley points out, people are noticing. Gov. Palin for VP.

Posted in Politics, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized.


  1. Dittos on Palin!


    1. Which McCain Veep pick is SIMULTANEOUSLY the safest AND boldest?

    ANSWER: Sarah Palin

    2. How can McCain SIMULTANEOUSLY attract both Hillary AND Bob Barr voters?

    ANSWER: Sarah Palin

    * * *

    And then there's this from the Conservative Voice:

    "Desperately seeking Sarah
    July 26, 2008

    By Stephan Andrew Brodhead

    Desperately seeking Sarah
    Americans need a little Palin Power

    Sarah Palin the current Governor of Alaska is John McCain's ultimate choice for VP. I do believe a woman is next in line for the presidency. All Conservatives like her. She is popular in Alaska. Hillary supporters would relish her. She would solidify a 12 or possibly 16 year Republican executive.

    John McCain's boring campaign is wearing thin. I need a little Palin Power to get me interested again. They would say "but she is only a half term Governor!" And your point is?"

    * * *

    If John McCain doesn't choose Sarah Palin, he might have to plead temporary insanity.

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