Ten random things that make me happy

Pauline at Perennial Student posted her list, and it turns out it’s a meme that’s been going around (having started here, as best as I can tell), so I figured I’d pick it up and send it on; a little light-heartedness is good for the soul. Most of these things aren’t really all that random, or unique to me, either, but never mind.

  1. Worshiping God
  2. Holding my wife
  3. A little-girl hug from one (or more) of my daughters
  4. Playing “my bunny!” with my youngest daughter
  5. Preaching—when it’s going well
  6. Singing along with the music while I’m driving
  7. Rereading a well-loved book
  8. Baking a pie—if the crust behaves (if not, there is frustration along the way)
  9. Watching one of my girls learn something
  10. Sunshine on a windy day

I herewith tag:

Posted in Personal, Uncategorized.


  1. I was going to take this as a tag from Barry, because I hadn’t been around to Apples to Apples yet and didn’t know you had tagged me, Rob.

    So I’ll do that today as soon as I finish my last tag.

  2. This looks like fun. I will play along soon when I get a moment to breathe. It’s ball season in our house!

    You’re a baker Rob? You get more interesting everyday. You all do!!

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