To the list of Letterman’s sexist cruelties, add another

Sarah Palin may have driven David Letterman to something of an apology, and she may have elected to accept his apology, but it doesn’t look like any of that changed his fundamental attitude much. In the middle of his (utterly predictable) Top 10 on “Mark Sanford’s Excuses,” the late-night host uncorked this beauty:

4. If you met my wife you’d be fleeing the country too.

Now, as far as I’m concerned, whatever mockery anyone wants to give Mark Sanford, he has it coming. I think Robert Stacy McCain’s (apparently fairly serious) suggestion that he deserves a case of .38-caliber lead poisoning is over the top, but within the confines of the law, whatever anybody can bring down on this man’s head is fine by me.

But his wife? This is a woman who has been betrayed at the deepest possible level by the one person on earth who was most responsible to be on her side, and has been dealt unfathomable public humiliation by that man for the sake of his own selfishness and gratification—she doesn’t deserve this . . . this . . . I’m trying to think of a word that pastors are supposed to use that’s bad enough to describe this, and I’m not coming up with one. What, by all that is holy, gave Letterman and his writers the idea that it’s acceptable, let alone funny, to beat a woman when she’s down like that? What are we going to get next, a crack about the joy of clubbing baby seals?

Once again, if Letterman weren’t such a narcissistic solipsist, he’d be ashamed of himself. What a poor excuse for a human being.

Posted in Culture and society, Media.

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