Clearing out the links drawer

Here are a few things I’ve been meaning to get around to posting on (for quite a while—I think I ran across all of these back in March) that just aren’t likely to get their own posts at this point; so I’ll toss them out for your interest, and if I ever do get around to putting up a longer post on any of them, well, the duplication won’t hurt anything.

Beryllium 10 and climate
The science in this is not immediately transparent to the non-specialist, but it’s interesting evidence that climate change is far more about what the sun does than about CO2.

A Dozen Sayings of Jesus That Will Change the World—If Christians Ever Believe Them
Dan Edelen’s always challenging—sometimes problematically so; this is a post that ought to make Christians in this country uncomfortable.

Generational Disconnect
Chaille Brindley has put his finger on a real need in the American church.

Anatomy of an Internet Joke
I think this post by James Wallace Harris fits very well with Brindley’s comments.

Posted in Culture and society, Environment, Religion and theology, Science.


  1. The 12 sayings make me think of a quote from Gandhi. When asked what he thought of Western civilization, he said "It sounds like a good idea." That's pretty much how I feel a lot of the time, though I can't point to a better one, just a bunch of other kinds of mistakes.

  2. Huh. I hadn't made that connection, but I can see it. Churchill was, I think, an optimistic pessimist, which is generally a pretty good combination if you can manage it.

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