Is “anti-bipartisanship” a word?

If not, someone needs to coin it; there’s no other way I can think of to label the behavior the Democratic leadership of Congress is engaging in these days:

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Harry Reid (D-NV) met at length last night to put together the House/Senate conference report on the “stimulus” package. Only Democratic conference committee members were informed of the meeting and permitted to attend.The purpose behind the meeting was apparently to produce a conference report on the over $800 billion borrow-and-spend bill that was entirely free of Republican input, and that could be presented no later than this afternoon in preparation for House and Senate floor action tomorrow.

(Bold in the original, italics mine.)  Not only is there no deliberate effort to involve the GOP in crafting the final version of this spendathon, there’s a deliberate effort to prevent the GOP from having anything at all to do with the bill as it’s finally passed.Oh, and as for that “compromise” the Senate produced to get the RINO votes they needed for cloture?  The Democrats apparently intend to renege on the deal.  Nice.

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized.


  1. Amazing isn’t it. We basically have a one-party system now. Hey who needs Democracy anyway? With the Democrats and the charlatan Obama they know everything and will take care of us all…

    This situation makes me sick. Millions of people voted Republican and they deserve to be represented. This Democratic/Obama stimulus plan is a FRAUD.

  2. I would note, btw, that while I don’t care for the porkathon at all, I think you’re too hard on President Obama (and for that matter, that your criticism is misdirected); and having clicked through to your websites, I definitely don’t support the positions you advocate there.

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