Good news in Zimbabwe: unity government in place

It looks like Robert Mugabe finally buckled—enough, at least, for the opposition to agree to form a unity government.  When the power-sharing agreement was first reached in principle, the sticking point was which ministries the MDC would get, and they were crystal-clear on their wish list:

The MDC wants to take control of ministries of home affairs in charge of the police, local government to oversee councils, one of the justice ministries, foreign affairs and the finance ministry—giving it responsibility for rescuing the shattered economy.

They look to have gotten much if not most of what they wanted.  MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, the new Prime Minister (the leader of the breakoff faction, Arthur Mutambara, will be his deputy), named an MDC minister of finance and co-minister of home affairs (that portfolio will be shared with a co-minister from Mugabe’s ZANU-PF), and a deputy minister of justice; the ministers of foreign affairs and local government are as yet unnamed.  MDC also took the health ministry and the ministry of water development, meaning it will also be their job to deal with the cholera epidemic.This isn’t a guarantee of anything, but it’s a hopeful sign.  Keep praying.HT:  Skanderbeg

Posted in Uncategorized, Zimbabwe.

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