Calling the (blog)roll

I’ve been thinking for a while now that I needed to add Conservatives4Palin to the blogroll; and then, off their blogroll, I discovered the blog Caffeinated Thoughts, which looks to be doing the same sorts of things I’m trying to do here, and figured I needed to put that one on as well.  From there, I wandered over to Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion, the blog of a conservative Cornell law professor (and contributor to American Thinker), and decided the list was up to three.When Shane Vander Hart (and how on earth is a pastor with a name that Dutch not in the RCA, anyway?) of Caffeinated Thoughts mentioned the Conservative Web Brigade, I thought I’d check it out; having done so, I asked permission to come aboard, and they were generous enough to grant it.  As a consequence, the CWB now has its own section in the blogroll.  I’ve also rearranged everything else a little, moving conservative political bloggers into a separate section (or two, really, since the CWB blogroll is a distinct section) and moving the primarily theological bloggers up.  I’ve also moved the Anchoress and the Baseball Crank into the political-blogs section—for both, politics is only one of their concerns, but it’s sufficiently predominant that that seems to be the more fitting category for them.

Posted in Personal, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized.


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