The crux of theology

I’m up late, can’t sleep, feeling crummy, just sitting here on the couch with the laptop wandering the Web doing things that don’t need much brainpower (I could be trying to tackle Colossians 2:9-15 for this Sunday’s sermon, but I think it would take two falls out of three without breaking a sweat); but even in moments like these, God is at work, and there are grace notes. For whatever reason, his Spirit brought to mind the story of how Karl Barth, during his visit to America in 1962, was asked how he would summarize his theology; this brilliant Reformed thinker, the greatest and most important theologian of his century, this prolific mind who wrote millions and millions of words, answered, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” That really is the bottom line, isn’t it? What a comfort.

Posted in Religion and theology, Uncategorized.

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