Thirty years of economic history in ten minutes

The value of this video, imho, isn’t the McCain/Palin commercial at the end, it’s the sheer volume of source material, mostly from the MSM, that’s referenced here in mapping out the trail that led us to this point; some of these stories I’ve seen and posted on (here, for instance), but others were new to me.HT: The Anchoress, who has an excellent rant on the egregious behavior of the Democratic (and some of the Republican) “leadership” of Congress in this crisis:

I need to first opine that the Democrats yesterday blew my mind with their last-minute addition of 56 billion to the bail-out, their sneaky, slippery attempt to play political games with some of this money—directing it to ACORN (!) – and their subsequent attempt to lie and to blame the GOP—the president—anyone but themselves for not passing a bill which the GOP CANNOT BLOCK. We already know that Nancy Pelosi has no leadership skills except in spite and obstruction—we see she is completely out of her depths here, but Barney Frank’s behavior last night, and his disrespect toward the GOP and the President was particularly egregious in a time of crisis. He behaved like a trapped animal trying to distract the hunters toward anyone but him. Meanwhile Chuck Schumer is unusually, uncharacteristically silent; Barack Obama—except when mentioned by a press pretending he is leading—seems irrelevant to the process and to have no genuine ideas or input, or a desire to lead. All he seems capable of doing is whining about the debate while Rome falls about his ankles. McCain is quite right that the debates would be less urgent if Obama had done the Town Halls McCain had asked for—debates Obama said he’d have “anytime, anywhere” before refusing all of them. I say at this point SCREW the moderated debates that tell us nothing and insist that these candidates town-hall it and speak DIRECTLY to the people who will be most affected by all of this—that would be the ordinary folk. And do the same for Biden and Palin if they debate. And seriously, if there is a debate, it should be on economics, and energy just now, not foreign policy. Speaking of foreign policy, in the midst of all of this, Israel is asking the American president to give a green light to bomb Iran. Imagine having all that on your plate for one day! I don’t know that John McCain is the “perfect” man for the White House, but I’m pretty damn sure at this point that a man with 150 days experience in the Senate, no instincts to lead, a whiny disposition, and a frightening willingness to use the Justice Department as his private thug-corps is the guy we need in the Oval Office in there very serious times. And finally, to end the rant, Charles Krauthammer says we need a few good public hangings re this financial mess. I think—after seeing our “leadership” demonstrate that they haven’t the balls to lead without political cover—we should put them out of their miseries by demanding a few resignations from the leadership of BOTH parties, and both banking committees.

Posted in Barack Obama, Economics, Politics, Uncategorized.

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