Where are the defenders of privacy now?

The folks of the pro-abortion lobby would have you believe that they hold a woman’s privacy as sacrosanct.Apparently, that only applies to liberal women. Conservative women, in their view, don’t have rights—they’ve forfeited them from the heinous crime of departing from liberal orthodoxy.If what’s been done to Sarah Palin and her family this time doesn’t make you sick, and worried about the direction politics is taking in this country, then you don’t deserve this country. There is absolutely no place in political discourse for hacking into a candidate’s e-mail, much less using that to publish their e-mails, e-mail addresses, unlisted numbers, private photos, and voicemail messages. If the Bush administration did this to terrorists, these folks would be rioting in the streets—but if you do it to a Republican, it’s OK?For shame. For shame!

Posted in Culture and society, Politics, Sarah Palin, Uncategorized.


  1. This is truly the most apalling things I’ve ever seen happen to a candidate! Thank goodness she trusts in God’s justice. The only positive thing is that it reveals that she is who she says she is, involved with her family and surrounded by friends who pray.

  2. Agreed. I’d love to see the MSM and the Obama campaign come out and denounce this, but I’m not holding my breath; I really hope, though, that nobody decides that turnabout is fair play. This is bad enough if it stays a one-time incident–if someone else does it to Sen. Obama (or whomever), things could get a lot, lot worse.

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