OK, so maybe I’m a sucker

and maybe at heart I’m still the ten-year-old who thought The Lord of the Rings was the best thing he’d ever read (there still isn’t much that tops it) and that nobody was cooler than his Dad, except maybe for the people his Dad admired; and certainly, once a Navy brat, always a Navy brat, and there’s no denying the effect growing up Navy has had on who I am. Whatever you want to make of it, this gets me every time:

I’ve said before that I have long had reservations about John McCain politically; based on the candidates’ positions, he was no more than my third choice in this race. I also have to say, though, that about John McCain the person, though he’s far from perfect, I admire him tremendously. Certainly Barack Obama has proven he can inspire people with his rhetorical gifts (much missed in recent American politics) and the vision he paints (though time will tell what his association with the Rev. Dr. Wright and his race speech has done to the potency of that vision); but I believe Sen. McCain is equally capable of inspiring our country with the ideals he upholds—and the way he has lived out those ideals in the service of his country—and the power of his expression. Maybe a few policy disagreements are a small price to pay for that.

Posted in Personal, Politics, Uncategorized.

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