Going for the political jugular

One doesn’t usually see this sort of willingness to scrap in Republican politicians. It’s a feisty and effective ad, and one which stands out from the usual run of political advertising in that it actually gives some sense of the candidate’s personality. (Pictures of candidates with family and dogs and/or doing heartwarming things don’t count; that’s just boilerplate.)

The odd thing, if I have my facts right, is that this guy is a primary challenger to a Republican incumbent—though a recent convert, Parker Griffith, who was elected in ’08 as a freshman Democrat. Interesting to see this sort of approach from someone who doesn’t even have his party’s nomination yet. It’s a good way to go, I think.

Posted in Politics, Video.


  1. Les Phillip is a poser. He hasn't demonstrated verbally or through resume that he has been anything but a drifter since quitting the Navy back in 1993. He has not demonstrated any leadership, public service or any consistent career path. Basically Les needs a job. Les touts the constitution but promptly deletes any questions posed to him on his campaign facebook that do not offer up praise. Les cannot even produce a campaign add without deception.
    Les is riding a cult of personality.

  2. I know nothing about the guy beyond what's in the ad; for all I know, you could be understating the case. I'm merely saying it's a good ad–which it is, whether it's for a great candidate or a poor one.

  3. I would note, btw, that the kerfuffle over the photo of Obama with a cigarette is ludicrous–the important photos are the ones not Photoshopped. Remove the cigarette, you change nothing. It's merely an effort to blunt the effect of the ad, since there's nothing else the Left can do about it.

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