That was the year that was

Well, with all due apologies to T. S. Eliot, this is the way the whirl ends—not with a bang but a whimper. It’s been two years since I posted that little in a month, and while I don’t apologize for that, I don’t want to make a habit of it, either. The discipline of writing has been good for me, and the discipline of thinking probably even more so; I know it’s helped my sermon preparation, among other things.

I suppose the question is, has the blog been worth anything for its own sake? I think it has, though I might be biased on the subject. Obviously there were a lot of posts that simply took note of something or posted a video or were just for fun, but even those have their value; and I think that occasionally, at least, I managed to contribute something to the larger conversation. It may well be that the ultimate validation of this blog will come (or not) in whether I’m able to take any of the ideas that have sparked along the way for me and develop them further; but even if not, they’re out there, and maybe they’ll do some good.

Posted in Personal.

One Comment

  1. I got worried there for a minute – it almost sounded like you were saying goodbye. lol.

    Looking forward to spy-glassing in 2010. 🙂

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