Put not your trust in princes

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God,
who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
who keeps faith forever; who executes justice for the oppressed,
who gives food to the hungry.

—Psalm 146:3-7a (ESV)

O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.
But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore.

—Psalm 131 (ESV)

The tendency to put one’s trust in rulers and other political figures is, of course, a universal one, a temptation to which we’re all prone; it’s not just a problem in American politics, by any means. This is not a respect in which America is exceptional. I do think, though, that we’ve been taking it to unusual heights of late, and especially during this election season—and this isn’t just a problem for one side, either. Certainly a number of conservative pundits grumbled about the response to Sarah Palin, calling it nothing more than a bad case of celebrity worship, and I can’t count the number of e-mails I’ve received with subject lines like “We MUST Win!” Well, no, sorry, we mustn’t. I firmly agree it would be better if we did and that bad things will happen if we don’t, but what of that? Even if we’re right, it might very well be better for the long term that the Democrats have their day to do whatever they want. And of course, one must always be humbly aware that one could easily be wrong.

That said, trust in princes is a greater problem on the Democratic side of the aisle, at least this time around; the Obama campaign was built on it right from the beginning—not just in the messianic language about epiphanies and “this is the moment the planet started to heal,” but in the whole theme of his campaign. The basic appeal has been, from day one, “Put your hope in Obama.” When you do that, this kind of thing is the logical consequence (HT: Bill):

To that I say, no; even if I were voting for the guy, I wouldn’t do that. The man is a politician, and a Chicago politician, no less. Anyone who puts their trust in politicians—any politicians—is a fool in the full biblical sense, and I use the term completely advisedly.

Put not your trust in politicians, for in them there is no salvation. Vote, yes; vote wisely, yes; understand the issues and decide carefully, yes, yes, yes. And then leave the results to God. Do what you consider he leads you to do, but don’t presume to judge what MUST happen, or to conclude that if the results don’t go your way that God must somehow have failed. To know the future and what must be is too great and too marvelous for us. Calm and quiet your soul in the presence of God, and rest lightly in him; pray for the winners, and for the losers, and for all of us, and put your trust and your hope in the only one worthy of them: in the Lord. Put your hope in him alone for this troubled time, and for the time to come, and you will be blessed, for your help and your hope will be the one who “who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, who keeps faith forever; who executes justice for the oppressed, who gives food to the hungry.” He takes care of his people, even when he leads us through the valley of the shadow of death, and he will take care of you.

Scanning the horizon

I’ve been feeling a real sense of foreboding lately. Part of it (though only part) is political, as anyone who reads this blog can tell, and so there’s definitely a component to this which is merely partisan: I’m convinced our next president is going to be a (very) liberal Democrat, and I don’t believe the policies which liberal Democrats support are best for America, which is why I typically vote Republican. That’s a matter of differences of opinion, nothing more; part of the deal in a democracy is that sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose, and in the long run by the grace of God you hope it all balances itself out. So far in the history of this nation, in the long run by the grace of God it mostly has.

I don’t believe a liberal Democratic administration will be good for our economy, but that doesn’t really bother me; I’m probably too spoiled anyway, and even if the times wax comparatively bad, my family and I will still have things infinitely better than some of our friends elsewhere in the world. The children who will never be born due to liberal Democratic policies on abortion weigh far more heavily on me (and don’t try to argue the canard that GOP policies have raised the abortion rate—that one’s been thoroughly debunked), as do other likely changes on the social side. But even so, that’s politics; that’s how the system works.

What isn’t just politics is that I see heavy weather ahead. The “end of history” celebrated by Francis Fukuyama turned out to be nothing more than a Weimar holiday followed by the rebirth of aggressive fascism—this time in Islamic garb—as a major force on the world stage, the rise of China, the reassertion of Russian power, and the ongoing spread of WMD technologies. There are some nasty cancers growing in the global body politic, and they aren’t responding to herbal therapies. This isn’t helped by the current deflation of the global economy, which creates its own set of problems which must be addressed. From a political perspective, one may say that this candidate would be better than that candidate, but there is no conceivable candidate we could put up with the confidence that they would “fix the problems,” because the problems are simply too big. The situation of our world, as usual, is not amenable to a political solution, though it helps when politics at least manages to produce leaders who can move us in the right direction.

This is why what really bothers me about the upcoming election is not that we’re going to electa liberal Democrat, but that we’re electing one who I’m increasingly convinced is manifestly unprepared and unqualified for the job. I didn’t feel this concern four years ago, even though I had far less respect for either John Kerry or John Edwards than I do for either Barack Obama or Joe Biden, and even though I consider McCain/Palin a far superior ticket to Bush/Cheney, and even though I think the issues were just as serious four years ago as now. For that matter, if it were Hillary Clinton running with, say, Harold Ford, I would be far less concerned. Yes, several years ago, I wouldn’t have believed I’d say that, but between her Senate tenure and her campaign, she did a lot to change my opinion of her; and love her or hate her (there seems to be little middle ground), Sen. Clinton is someone who gets things done.

To be sure, I would have disagreed with many of the things she did over the next four years—as, I should note, I’ve disagreed with many of the things our incumbent president has done over the last eight, despite the (R) after his name—and I think her campaign has shown significant weaknesses in her administrative ability, and as such, I personally would not have considered her a good president; but I believe she would have been at least a moderately effective president, and possibly quite a bit more, and one whom Democrats would have judged successful. The key here is that I think Sen. Clinton is capable of saying with Orrin Knox (the fictional senior senator from Illinois in Allen Drury’s Advise and Consent), “I don’t give a **** about being liked, but I intend to be respected,” and as such I believe she can stand up to people and face them down when the situation calls for it. This is a crucially important ability in a president, and never more than in their dealings with the leaders of other nations who bear America ill will.

I do not believe that any of these things can be said of Barack Obama (except that his campaign, too, has shown significant weaknesses in his administrative ability). He simply has no record of serious accomplishment—he’s never been an objective success in the world outside academia, except at campaigning and winning votes. My brother-in-law, an Obama supporter, assured me recently that he’s gotten a good education; my response was that I don’t question that (though I do wonder why he’s so determined to keep his time at Columbia hidden), but I don’t see that he’s done anything with it. He’s a writer, a thinker, a policy wonk; he’s the guy on the staff who makes a great advisor because he’s full of ideas, but has no instinct for turning any of them into reality. He talks about change, but he doesn’t create it; he talks about compromise and bipartisanship, but isn’t willing to give up anything to make it happen.

As well, and most crucially, he has no history of standing up to his own party, to his own supporters, to his own mentors, unless he’s driven to—and when it comes to conflict between them, as it did recently in Illinois between Gov. Rod Blagojevich and State Senate President Emil Jones (Sen. Obama’s personal kingmaker), he prefers to just avoid the scene altogether. To be effective as a leader requires the willingness to be disliked, to bear the full force of the anger and disappointment of others, and Sen. Obama shows no sign of that as far as I can see.

The thing is, before, it hasn’t mattered. He’s been one of a legislative body, and if he doesn’t bother to vote half the time, the votes will still be held and the business of the session will still go on; and if he doesn’t bother to convene his subcommittee, well, the legislature can work around that to get done what needs doing. And besides, there’s always a higher office to aspire to, and another campaign to run. What happens when he reaches the point when there’s only one of him, and the buck stops at his desk, and there’s nowhere else to go—but down? I don’t see anything to give me confidence in the answer to that question.

And so, my deep presentiment that it will not be well when this nation elects Sen. Obama to its highest office is not just about his conviction that offering ourselves to our enemies as their partner in addressing the problems of this world is a bad way to solve those problems (but a good way to get hurt). It’s not even, really, about my broader sense that his instincts in responding to people and situations point in all the wrong directions. These, again, are concerns at the level of political disagreement, and my unease runs deeper. Let me set them aside for the moment; let me go so far as to stipulate that Joe Biden is right, that when the crisis comes, we just have to trust Barack Obama because “he gets it.” My fear is that even if his instincts are in fact right and he does know the right thing to do, he won’t be able to convert that knowledge to action and actually do it in a successful way. That’s going to be an extremely difficult thing to do in the event of, for instance, my personal worst-case scenario: al’Qaeda setting off a suitcase nuke in or near the US Capitol. It would be difficult for anyone, because let’s be honest: the gap from knowledge to effective, timely action is one of the hardest for us to bridge in this life; one of the reasons why we need true leaders is their ability to do so consistently when it matters most. If Sen. Obama has shown anything like that consistency, I haven’t seen it—and I don’t believe it’s going to just show up when he needs it most.

Don’t think this means I dislike the man. I don’t; I’ve never understood anyway how you can dislike someone you’ve never met, but I see little in him to dislike. I see much that is admirable, and much that I believe would make him a joy to know. He’s clearly a very gifted man; if we were discussing him as, say, a potential SCOTUS nominee for another Democratic administration, I think he’d be hard to argue against. What I just don’t see is the kind of inner strength, resolve, and fortitude that it takes to navigate the storms of the presidency to a successful conclusion—and that worries me deeply. I hope I’m wrong; I’ll be praying hard that I’m wrong. But right now, I just don’t see it.


The case against Barack Obama, in his own words

Guy Benson and Mary Katherine Ham, working with Ed Morissey, have put together a comprehensive closing argument against the election of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as President of the United States; you can find it here. It covers abortion, tax policy, his judgment regarding his associates and advisors (and mentions his advocacy of prosecuting those who criticize him), his judgment regarding foreign policy, his willingness to look down on people, his willingness to play the race card, and his lack of accomplishments in office—and it’s copiously illustrated with video, mostly of Sen. Obama himself and his associates, advisors and supporters. Check it out. If you see everything he and they have to say and agree with all (or most) of it, more power to you; but you just might find he’s not the candidate you think he is.

The case against Barack Obama, in Joe Biden’s own words

I haven’t yet written about Sen. Biden’s remarks in Seattle this past Saturday because I’ve been sick—I think it was Monday evening before I even did so much as turn on either the TV or the computer (which at least saved me from angsting over the Seahawks)—and I still don’t have a great deal of energy, but I’ve been rather astonished by them; I appreciate the points folks like Hugh Hewitt, Beldar (and also here), Bill Kristol, and Tom Maguire have raised in response, which I think are right on. Beyond my amazement at the extraordinary lack of political discipline shown by the Democratic ticket in fundraisers (it’s amazing that Sen. Biden actually thought it was a good idea to say what he said, but no more so than Sen. Obama’s comments in San Francisco last April), these are the things that really strike me out of all this:One, it’s one thing for me to project a major attack on the US in the first year of an Obama presidency, based just on reading the trends and the tea leaves; it’s quite something else when Sen. Joe Biden, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and vice-presidential nominee of the Democratic Party—and thus one of the most thoroughly-briefed people in the world, a man who’s been told what almost no one is told—says so. It’s especially something else when he says the attack will come within six months and offers multiple threat axes. Folks, this isn’t just a prediction now, it’s the next best thing to a guarantee: if we elect Sen. Obama in two weeks, sometime next year, we’re going to get hammered. His own running mate assures us of that, and he’s seen as much of the playbook as there is to see.Two, Sen. Biden says, “I think I can be value added” because “I’ve forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know”; this would be more reassuring if his partition plan for Iraq and his recent fantasy about the US and France kicking Hizb’allah out of Lebanon didn’t indicate that he’s forgotten most of what he knew about foreign policy as well.Three, Sen. Biden pre-emptively dismissed the idea that we have the military capability to respond to what’s coming. Saying this in public is nothing less than giving aid and comfort to the enemy; it’s something a braver age would call treason. Such remarks, should the Obama/Biden ticket win next month, will do nothing but embolden the enemies of this nation and make them more willing to attack us; whatever they might believe about our ability to defeat them, they will know that our leaders don’t believe we can defeat them, and that as a consequence they have half the battle won right there. That will only make them more willing and even eager to attack, because it raises the possible rewards and lowers the risk.Four, though I don’t think it’s as obvious as Hewitt thinks that this is what Sen. Biden is talking about, I think he’s right to say that

an Iran-Israel confrontation is coming, and that if Obama is president, America will sit it out with, at best, words that do nothing to support Israel or deter Iran. . . . A President Obama will blink when Iran threatens Israel by approaching the nuclear tripwire. A President Obama will seek to force Israel to live with Iran as a nuclear power capable of either striking Israel or shipping to Hezbollah the means of threatening the very existence of the Jewish state, and the supporters of Israel in the U.S. will be stunned and then angry.

I think he’s right because I don’t think Sen. Obama has the political will to do otherwise. As Dr. Victor Davis Hanson told Hewitt in an interview,

It’s easy to say, as Obama says, it’s a game-changer if Iran were to get a nuclear device. What does that mean, a game-changer? That’s intolerable. What he’s not telling you is that if I choose to make sure that they don’t have a nuclear device, then that means that basically the United States is going to have to impose an embargo or a Naval blockade because the Europeans will still try to profit to the 11th hour, or even a military strike. I, Barack Obama, must be hated by people in Berlin. There’s no more Victory Column great extravaganzas for me. There’s no more fawning interviews with Der Spiegel. It’s going to be hatred from those people. I’m going to be a unilateralist pre-empter, and I’m going to do that, and all the people in the Muslim world and the Arab world that love me and fawn over me are going to hate me as worse than you know what. Okay, I’m willing to do that for a principle. Do you think he’s going to be willing to do that, or John McCain? I’m sorry, but I don’t think that all of that cheap rhetoric about invading Pakistan and a game-changer in Iran is anything other than rhetoric, because I think the problem with Obama is he’s bought into the idea of Vero Possumus, the new presidential seal that he’s promulgating, that the seas are going to cease to rise, that the planet won’t heat up, this is the change that we’ve been waiting for. And he really believe in this Messianic sense that people love him for himself. And he’s not going to be willing to give up that easily.

Unfortunately, messianic leadership only works in combination with messianic wisdom and messianic humility—and those a) are only to be found in the true Messiah, the Son of God, and b) lead not to political victory but to death on a cross. As for messianic leadership without those other components? Well, that doesn’t lead to political victory either, but to true disaster.Five, Sen. Biden’s reason for saying all this to those folks in Seattle was to prepare them to hang in for a terrible two years that will see the Obama administration become terribly unpopular. I wonder if he’s followed that through to realize just how unpopular the Democrats in Congress will likely become as well? Certainly, everything he says supports my own thought that we could see a GOP tidal wave in 2010 wipe out Democratic majorities all over the place. (If so, all the more important that folks like Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, and the others who will lead the GOP going forward take the time to think long, hard, and deeply about how to address the issues our country faces, both domestic and international.) As Hewitt put it, Sen. Biden sees a crisis coming and “suspects that Obama will react to the coming crisis in a way that demoralizes the country and which shatters public confidence in Obama.” I’ve been comparing Sen. Obama to Jimmy Carter ca. 1976, but this is sounding more like the 1979-80 version of Jimmy Carter—and that’s not good news. It’s not good news at all.Six, obviously, Sen. Biden believes that in saying all this, he’s making the case for Obama supporters to stand strong behind their candidate. I don’t. I do believe, however, that he’s underscoring a very important reality. While I’m convinced that electing Barack Obama will only embolden our enemies abroad and weaken our strength at home, and thus worsen the problems we’re facing, these problems, on the whole, have little to do with Barack Obama. He hasn’t done anything to help them, but neither have most of his colleagues, and some of them he could do nothing about. They exist regardless, and will continue to exist regardless, and thus it would be far too facile to say that electing John McCain would mean that we get to avoid them. We don’t. I believe we’ll see better economic policies if he wins, but this will still be a turbulent and trying time for our economy no matter what; and while I believe foreign enemies such as Iran and al’Qaeda will be far more circumspect in the face of a President McCain than a President Obama, they’re not going to just pack up shop, go home, and sit out the next four years if he wins. Far from it: they’ll be working to bring us down either way, and they’ll be a clear and present danger to us either way.All of which is to say: whoever wins, fasten your seatbelts—we’re in for a bumpy ride, and a long, long night.Addendum: here’s what Gov. Palin had to say in response to Sen. Biden’s remarks:

Barack Obama: pro-abortion extremist

Read Robert George on this.

Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress. . . .Before proving my claims about Obama’s abortion extremism, let me explain why I have described Obama as ”pro-abortion” rather than ”pro-choice.” . . .Many people at the time of the American founding would have preferred a world without slavery but nonetheless opposed abolition. Such people—Thomas Jefferson was one—reasoned that, given the world as it was, with slavery woven into the fabric of society just as it had often been throughout history, the economic consequences of abolition for society as a whole and for owners of plantations and other businesses that relied on slave labor would be dire. Many people who argued in this way were not monsters but honest and sincere, albeit profoundly mistaken. Some (though not Jefferson) showed their personal opposition to slavery by declining to own slaves themselves or freeing slaves whom they had purchased or inherited. They certainly didn’t think anyone should be forced to own slaves. Still, they maintained that slavery should remain a legally permitted option and be given constitutional protection.Would we describe such people, not as pro-slavery, but as ”pro-choice”? Of course we would not. It wouldn’t matter to us that they were ”personally opposed” to slavery, or that they wished that slavery were ”unnecessary,” or that they wouldn’t dream of forcing anyone to own slaves. We would hoot at the faux sophistication of a placard that said ”Against slavery? Don’t own one.” We would observe that the fundamental divide is between people who believe that law and public power should permit slavery, and those who think that owning slaves is an unjust choice that should be prohibited.Just for the sake of argument, though, let us assume that there could be a morally meaningful distinction between being ”pro-abortion” and being ”pro-choice.” Who would qualify for the latter description? Barack Obama certainly would not. For, unlike his running mate Joe Biden, Obama does not think that abortion is a purely private choice that public authority should refrain from getting involved in.

HT: Bill

Projecting an Obama presidency

I noted yesterday that I expect Barack Obama to win in November. I’m not one of those who think the race is over, not by a long shot—I’m just skeptical about the McCain campaign’s ability and will to make its case, especially after blockheaded moves like writing off Michigan. The key, I think, is that they haven’t been able to convince enough people that Sen. Obama isn’t a centrist (and aren’t likely to do so), even though on all the evidence, he isn’t. He’s a gifted politician at letting people believe of him what they want to believe, and people would prefer to believe that he’s “a uniter, not a divider” (for all that, I’d prefer to believe it); John McCain hasn’t succeeded in convincing enough people otherwise to win.The thing is, unlike George W. Bush, who did have a record of working in bipartisan fashion in Texas, Sen. Obama has no such record; and if such talk from the bipartisan Gov. Bush didn’t translate to results in his presidency, how much less should we expect true bipartisanship from a President Obama?Perhaps the most interesting indicator on this came during the debate when Sen. McCain said of Sen. Obama, “It’s hard to reach across the aisle from that far to the left.” Sen. Obama’s response: “Mostly that is me just opposing George Bush’s wrongheaded policies.” He seems to have thought that was a good comeback—as did others, from the post-debate commentary—but it wasn’t; in point of fact, it was a concession, one which offered a real insight into Sen. Obama’s mind. What he said in effect was, “You can’t expect me to be bipartisan when confronted with policies with which I disagree.” Granted, one must be careful not to push one sentence too far, and certainly absolutizing it would be unjustified; but the attitude expressed in that line is the exact antithesis of true bipartisanship. It’s the attitude that defines “bipartisanship” as “I’ll work with them when they’re not wrongheaded”—which tends to boil down to “when they do most of the compromising.” And given that George W. Bush wasn’t really all that conservative, it’s not like Sen. Obama (and the rest of the congressional Democrats) were being asked to reach a long way across to the right. But then, as Stanley Kurtz notes, this is the pattern for Barack Obama:

Obama’s vaunted reputation for bipartisanship is less than meets the eye. The Illinois legislature has long been home to a number of moderate Republicans, less fiscally conservative than their colleagues, many from districts where the parties are closely balanced. It was easy enough to get a few of these Republicans to sign onto small, carefully tailored spending bills directed toward particularly sympathetic recipients. The trouble with Obama’s bipartisanship is that it was largely a one-way street. Overcoming initial opposition from Catholic groups, for instance, Obama cosponsored an incremental bill on abortion, requiring hospitals to inform rape victims of morning-after pills. Yet rejecting compromise with the other side, Obama voted against bills that would have curbed partial-birth abortions. In other words, Obama is bipartisan so long as that means asking Republicans to take incremental steps toward his own broader goals. When it comes to compromising with the other side, however, Obama says “take a hike.” Obama voted against a bill that would have allowed people in possession of a court order protecting them from some specific individual to carry a concealed weapon in self-defense. The bill failed on a 29-27 vote. Bipartisanship for thee, but not for me: That’s how Obama ended up with the most liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate.

This all suggests that all the post-partisan language we heard from Sen. Obama ca. 2004 is unlikely to be reflected in an Obama presidency—especially since whatever his talk, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the House and Senate Democrats aren’t running on promises of bipartisanship. They’re going to want to press their agenda, and who gives a hang what the GOP wants. As a consequence, if President Obama wants to get bills passed—and he will, as every president does, because that’s how presidents have “accomplishments” and “legacies”—it will have to be the bills they want, on their terms; Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and the rest of the Democratic powers on the Hill will take up their pipes and fiddles, and President Obama will dance to their tune. Speaker Pelosi will be the dominant figure in national politics (since I expect Majority Leader Reid to turn out pretty clearly as second fiddle to her first), and it will be her agenda driving the bus.Now, this might be a pretty stiff conclusion to draw, but there are several good reasons to think that this is how it will go. First, as Dick Morris pointed out three months ago, this is what happened to Bill Clinton in 1993, even though the congressional Democratic caucus was considerably less liberal then than now (for example, the Speaker of the House was Tom Foley of conservative eastern Washington, not Nancy Pelosi of liberal San Francisco) and the new president was a former governor who was used to working with a legislature. Clinton couldn’t “triangulate” with his own party firmly in control on the Hill, and so

as he took office as president, Bill Clinton found no alternative but to move dramatically to the left, shelving for the moment his promises of a middle-class tax cut and welfare reform. He had no choice.The Democratic majorities in both Houses served him with notice: Either you stay within the caucus and not cross the aisle in search of support for centrist policies, or we will do unto you what we did to Jimmy Carter when Tip O’Neill turned on him and made his life miserable.

If Gov. Clinton couldn’t govern as a centrist with the Democratic Congress of 1993-94, it’s almost inconceivable that Sen. Obama will be able to do so with the even more liberal Democratic Congress we will likely have in 2009. For one thing, he doesn’t have the experience in how to get his own agenda through a legislature; for another, despite all his use of centrist language, Sen. Obama has no observable record of centrist political impulses, much less achievements. (Indeed, he has little record of achievements at all, but we’ll get to that in a minute.) That’s why Stanley Kurtz, in his extensive examination of Sen. Obama’s years as a state senator, says he’s “fundamentally . . . a big-government redistributionist”:

Obama’s overarching political program can be described as “incremental radicalism.” On health care, for example, his long-term strategy in Illinois was no secret. He repeatedly proposed a state constitutional amendment mandating universal health care. Prior to the 2002 budget crisis, Obama’s plan was to use the windfall tobacco settlement to finance the transition to the new system. That would have effectively hidden the huge cost of universal care from the taxpayer until it was too late. Yet Obama touted his many tiny expansions of government-funded health care as baby steps along the path to his goal. The same strategy will likely be practiced-if more subtly-on other issues. Obama takes baby-steps when he has to, but in a favorable legislative environment, Obama’s redistributionist impulses will have free rein, and a budget-busting war on poverty (not to mention entitlement spending) will surely rise again.

As such, where President Clinton does seem to have been at least someone uncomfortable with the line he had to toe at the beginning of his term (judging by the way he moved toward the center once the reality in Congress changed), Sen. Obama is likely to be quite comfortable with that agenda. (He has, after all, supported it 97% of the time in the Senate when he’s bothered to show up to vote.) The reality of bipartisanship can be expected to disappear on all important matters (except perhaps when congressional Democrats want to be able to blame Republicans for an unpopular necessity), leaving behind only the language—which will likely be used primarily to bash Republicans as obstructionist for not going along with the program.This is especially true given that Sen. Obama has no record of resisting his own party. Rather, he’s been a machine politician for his whole political career; it was the Chicago machine that helped create him, and its own rules by which he played to force Alice Palmer out of his way in his first election, and he’s never once stood up to it. He’s never challenged it, or questioned it, or even really sought to influence it in any way. He even endorsed Richard Daley for re-election as mayor, which was perhaps the one time he really disappointed his liberal supporters in Chicago (since Mayor Daley’s an old-school Democrat, not a modern liberal Democrat), because he’s the boss and you don’t mess with the boss. Then down in Springfield, when even Illinois politicians call their state “one of the most corrupt at this point in the United States,” he claimed to make a difference, but nothing really changed, except that he contributed to the growth in spending that has led to severe budget problems in Illinois. Indeed, even now that he’s out of that environment, his state’s junior U.S. Senator and his party’s presidential candidate, he still didn’t want to stand up to the political bosses, like his mentor Emil Jones, the president of the Illinois State Senate; when asked to use his influence to help resurrect an important ethics bill aimed at reducing the corruption in Springfield, he initially refused; it was only when coverage in the Chicago papers made that problematic that he changed his mind and asked his old mentor to reconsider the issue. The other concern that I see here is in the words and attitudes of Speaker Pelosi, Harry Reid, Charles Schumer, and other senior Dems. Every time they open their mouths, I’m a little more convinced that they don’t see Sen. Obama as the leader of their party, but as the instrument through whom they intend to accomplish their purposes. Whether it’s Sen. Schumer declaring that Sarah Palin’s “lack of experience makes the thought of her assuming the presidency troubling” while remaining serenely untroubled by Sen. Obama’s lack of experience (which makes me think that the subtext is “he’s just out front running the campaign; when it gets down to brass tacks, it will really be Uncle Joe running the show”), or Majority Leader Reid calling on Sen. McCain as essential to help solve the financial crisis while essentially ignoring Sen. Obama, I just don’t see any reason to believe that these folks take their own nominee, the presumptive head of their party, seriously. I’m increasingly of the mind that they see him as the PR-flack-in-chief, the appealing face they want to put on the front of their agenda, nothing more—and if he should try to break out of that role and stand up to them, they’ll punish him for it.As a result, I have four substantive concerns about an Obama presidency. Two might be described as “conservative concerns”—things I don’t want to see because I’m conservative in my thinking that those who are liberal will welcome. The other two I think can fairly be called general concerns, because they’re things that it seems fair to assume liberals wouldn’t want to see happen either.One, I expect to see a hard-Left turn on social issues, including a significant reshaping of the federal judiciary. This, I think, is Reward #1 President Obama will owe his base, and one which he’ll be happy to give them; based on past performance, I expect the Senate GOP to roll over for this process and present their collective belly in submission. Obviously, liberals will be glad to see an administration committed to abortion on demand, expansion of gay rights, the submission of our Constitution to international opinion, etc.; I won’t.Two, I expect to see a hard-Left turn on economic issues. Hugh Hewitt did an excellent job of laying out what this will look like in his post “President Barack Hoover”; I don’t see any need to reinvent the wheel (especially when I couldn’t do half as well at it), so I’ll just encourage you to read it, with this comment: the core of Hewitt’s post is the reality that Sen. Obama’s announced agenda, if he puts it into practice (and I believe Speaker Pelosi et al. will hold him to it), will be a recapitulation of the mistakes President Hoover made that played a major role in turning a stock-market crash into a depression. This is a very real possibility, and I believe is a major reason why the markets are continuing to perform poorly: they expect Sen. Obama to win, just as I do, and they expect him to put his plan into effect, just as I do. Thus his own plan helps drive the economic crisis that will help him win, which is another neat little irony. Still, again, I realize that the Left has a different view on this than I do; we’ll see who’s right. I’ve certainly never claimed to be infallible, but I think the record of the last eighty years bears me out: raising taxes in a crisis brought a depression; the Reagan tax cuts started a long period of growth (not uninterrupted, but an upward trend for a long time) that has benefited everyone. Yes, we still have a lot of people who are poor by comparison to society as a whole—but materially, those who are poor today are a lot richer than the poor of thirty years ago.Three, I believe the approach we’ve seen from the Obama campaign to dissent and criticism will be repeated in the policies and responses of an Obama-led Executive Branch; given the clear willingness of his campaign to suppress freedom of speech to prevent criticism of their candidate, I believe we’ll see the same willingness from his administration and his chief congressional allies. This will mean a surge in the kind of the strongarm political tactics that we’ve already seen entirely too often this year. The thin part of the wedge will be the reinstitution of the “Fairness Doctrine” as a political/legal weapon to silence conservative talk radio and the pundits of Fox News. (Given what you can do with the Internet these days, I don’t think it will actually work to any significant degree; if that drives the Dems in Congress to try to regulate Internet speech, we could really be in for a battle royale.) Now, given that many American liberals want to see the return of the “Fairness Doctrine,” it may be optimistic of me to call this a general concern; it could turn out that liberals as a class are perfectly happy with censorship and political thuggery as long as it’s only used against people with whom they disagree. Certainly that has proven to be the case in other countries. This isn’t Canada, however, and I don’t think it’s likely to be any time in the near future; until proven otherwise, I think it’s necessary to give American liberals credit that their commitment to freedom of speech is real, and thus believe that most of them will not be willing to tolerate and defend this sort of behavior over the long haul, even if carried out by politicians they otherwise support. I certainly hope they won’t, because the Obama campaign’s efforts to shout down Stanley Kurtz and David Freddoso (in an effort to intimidate Chicago radio station WGN into canceling their appearances on Milt Rosenberg’s show) ought to be disturbing to anyone who cares about free speech. Of even greater concern should be the Obama “truth squads” in Missouri, where the campaign enlisted allies in public office to threaten prosecution of any TV station that runs any ads about Sen. Obama that the campaign deems untrue. Not only is this approach outrageously biased (one side’s allowed to lie, but the other isn’t?), it gets into some very grey areas about interpretation and intent, and thus raises some real concerns as to the approach an Obama Department of Justice might take to the First Amendment. This kind of approach, like Joe Biden’s suggestion that an Obama/Biden administration might prosecute the Bush administration, is nothing more nor less than the use (or threat of use) of political power to punish one’s opponents, intimidate critics, and silence dissenters; it’s the sort of thing we’re used to seeing in Zimbabwe, not here—and as the case of Zimbabwe shows, there’s nothing, not even money, that can corrupt a democracy faster, or more severely. I’ve argued before that one of the great problems with our politics in this day and age is that we absolutize our own perspectives—we assume that our own perspectives and presuppositions are the only legitimate ones, and that those who disagree with us can’t possibly be doing so sincerely, but must be acting out of motives that are selfish or otherwise wrong. The criminalization of politics, which we’re starting to see urged by the Obama campaign, is a more extreme version of that problem, because it argues that those motives are not only wrong, but are in fact criminal in nature. The chilling effect of that sort of approach should be deeply worrisome not just to conservatives, but also to true liberals.Four, and clearly a matter of general concern: al’Qaeda is weakened badly but far from dead—they still have the ability to pull something, and there’s good reason to think they’ll try. They’ve tested each of the last two administrations with a major attack in the first year (even if the 1993 World Trade Center attack didn’t succeed), and they’re bound to repeat the pattern if they can. As Hugh Hewitt says, “International jihadism must sense this is a moment in which any strike they can muster would have enormous consequences for Western confidence,” which gives them a powerful motive. This will only be reinforced in the case of an Obama administration, because al’Qaeda will almost certainly be denouncing him as an apostate—they’ll have to follow up their propaganda with an attack. If I had to guess, I’d think they’ll target the DC area, some combination of the Pentagon, the Capitol Building and the White House; my fear would be that they’ll use suitcase nukes.If and when this happens, I predict that we’ll see the same sort of ineffective, dithering response from Obama/Pelosi/Reid and their foreign-policy advisors that we saw to al’Qaeda provocations during the Clinton administration. (Remember the cruise-missile attack on the pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan?) I say this for a couple reasons. First, the sort of thing we’ve seen from Sen. Obama on foreign policy has been stubbornly refusing to admit that the surge worked in Iraq; stubbornly refusing to admit that we’ve significantly weakened al’Qaeda through the fight in Iraq; failing to understand that Afghanistan is a nearly impossible place to fight a war; repeatedly publicly announcing his intention to violate Pakistani sovereignty should he be elected (and why is it OK to fight in Pakistan but not in Iraq?); proclaiming moral equivalence between invader and invaded when Russia launched its attack on Georgia, then changing his position a couple times; allowing his running mate to tell the Israelis that an Obama administration wouldn’t take any serious measures to prevent Iran from going nuclear; surrounding himself with people who don’t like Israel when Israel is our only firm, stable ally in the Near East; and proclaiming repeatedly that he will meet with enemy dictators face to face without preconditions. I don’t see any signs that he understands how to conduct foreign policy effectively, that he has the instincts to identify an effective response, or that he has the will to carry it out.A couple years into an Obama presidency, I expect to see someone write the same sort of article about him that James Fallows wrote about Jimmy Carter; like President Carter, Sen. Obama is bright, fluent, and well educated, but ineffectual. Indeed, he lacks even the modest record of achievement Gov. Carter could claim—he simply has no significant professional accomplishment at any level of life. He was chosen as president of the Harvard Law Review, but wrote virtually nothing for it, and while he was well-liked by everybody, this was in part because he avoided conflict and confrontation—leaving an impending crack-up to his successor. The results of his time as a community organizer were modest, at best. He ran the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which conspicuously failed to improve Chicago schools. As a state senator, he authored no major legislation. In the U. S. Senate, the same is true. He claims his campaign as evidence of his executive ability, but the more we find out about his campaign, the less impressive that is; he’s spent a lot of money in places where he will get no significant return, his campaign staff run a disorganized, chaotic ship which makes it hard for the press accompanying them to do their job (though they dote on him despite the consistent disrespect they receive), and he can’t even keep his campaign plane from stinking. As Beldar says, this raises a real question: “If Obama can’t perceive that problem on his own campaign plane and see to it that even that problem is solved, why would you ever think he can handle the national economy or world affairs?”The funny thing is, behind all this is the reality that a McCain loss could be the best thing possible for the Republican Party. For one thing, a victory in this election won’t be the usual prize for the winner; far from it, in fact. As Gerard Baker argued in The Times just before the first debate,

It is highly probable that that moment, the very hour that he takes office, will be the high point of his presidency. Whoever wins on November 4 will be ascending to the job at one of the most difficult times for an American chief executive in at least half a century. . . . 2008 may be the best year there has been to lose an election.This sobering reality was startlingly underscored this week by none other than Tom Daschle, the former leader of the Senate Democrats, the national co-chairman of Mr Obama’s presidential campaign, and the likely White House chief of staff in an Obama administration. He told a Washington power breakfast that he thought the winner of the election would have a 50 per cent chance at best—at best—of winning a second term in 2012.

If my primary concern were the good of the GOP, I’d be rooting for a close but real loss for Sen. McCain—perhaps to see Sen. Obama just edge over the 50% mark. It might be fun to see the McCain campaign manage an Al Gore Special (a defeat in the Electoral College combined with a measurable lead in the popular vote) just to see all the lefty pundits who denounced the system eight years ago suddenly become its biggest fans, but that wouldn’t do. Eight years ago, that scenario left Democrats walking away thinking they didn’t need to change anything because they hadn’t really lost, and that attitude hurt them in 2002 and ’04. As Bill noted over on The Thinklings, the GOP really needs to take a long, hard look at itself, and then regroup, rethink, and reboot; and that’s not going to happen unless the party takes a defeat that its most influential folks have to admit is a defeat.Of course, one might think that a squeaker of a victory would spark the Democrats to similar humility, leading them to govern with caution and moderation; but I don’t see that happening. They’re too angry and eager, and the hard-Left wing of the party has the ascendancy—and they’re firmly committed to no-quarter politics. If they eke out a close win, I expect to see the pundits write it off as “well, that was just John McCain; against a real Republican, we would have blown ’em out,” and charge merrily off to do exactly what they want to do. If I’m right in the concerns expressed above, the result will be a backlash in 2010 at least as bad as the 1994 backlash that brought the congressional GOP to power at the midpoint of exactly the sort of disaster term that Gerard Baker was talking about, followed by another Republican in the White House in 2012. That’s the best-case scenario for the GOP, to be sure, but it’s clearly a far better case than anything a McCain victory in November could create; it’s also, however, a very bad case for the nation. (Worst case would be everything about this except the GOP taking inventory and cleaning up its act, thus giving us a return to power by a party that hadn’t learned anything from losing it.)That’s why—and you may not believe this, but it’s the absolute truth—when Sen. Obama wins in November, I’m going to be praying hard for him to make good, wise, godly decisions, to stand up to his own party—and win—to actually govern from the center and make room for the beliefs and opinions of those on the other side of the aisle; I’m going to be praying that he will respond adroitly and decisively to the crises he inherits, and promptly, forcefully, and wisely to the new ones that come along. I’m going to pray, in other words, for an Obama presidency to be a wise and clearly successful one (though I acknowledge that to some extent, I’ll be asking that he disappoint his own base in so doing), even though that’s not what would be best for the party I support. I have a lot of disagreements with Sen. McCain, but this is one thing on which I totally agree with him: when it comes to politics, it shouldn’t be party first, it should be country first.

Barack Obama, writer?

It would never have occurred to me to ask whether or not Sen. Obama wrote the books attributed to him; but as the Anchoress points out, writers write. It’s what they do, because the need to write drives them. If circumstances are such that they have little time or energy to spare from the other demands of life, they may write very little, but when they can, what they can, they write.Which does raise the reasonable question: do we see that kind of drive in Sen. Obama’s life? Put another way, do the existence and quality of his books (and particularly Dreams from My Father) square with the rest of his writing career? We know Barack Obama wrote virtually nothing for the Harvard Law Review despite serving a term as its president; we know that at Occidental College, he wrote some truly awful poetry; and we know that when it comes to any other evidence of his ability as a writer—”a school paper, an article, a notebook, his Columbia thesis”—that he’s been careful not to let us see it. Jack Cashill argues that on the basis of this evidence, the only reasonable answer to the question is “no”:

Prior to 1990, when Barack Obama contracted to write Dreams From My Father, he had written very close to nothing. Then, five years later, this untested 33 year-old produced what Time Magazine has called—with a straight face—”the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.”The public is asked to believe Obama wrote Dreams From My Father on his own, almost as though he were some sort of literary idiot savant. I do not buy this canard for a minute, not at all. Writing is as much a craft as, say, golf. To put this in perspective, imagine if a friend played a few rounds in the high 90s and then a few years later, without further practice, made the PGA Tour. It doesn’t happen.

If Cashill’s skepticism is correct, this might seem a curiosity; it’s not exactly a major literary scandal, after all. Indeed, in the realm of political ghostwriting, it would be at most a distant second to JFK accepting the Pulitzer for Profiles in Courage. If Cashill’s analysis, which is close and compelling but not conclusive, is correct that Barack Obama’s ghostwriter was none other than Bill Ayers, that would certainly give the lie to his efforts to deny any kind of close relationship between the two of them, but again, it’s not like there’s any great wrongdoing here. The fact that this question can be not only raised but convincingly argued, however, is a reminder of one very serious issue with the Obama campaign: even after all these months, despite the books, we still don’t really know all that much about Barack Obama, let alone feel like we know him—and he’s done everything he possibly can since bursting on the national scene to keep it that way.

The last hurdle for an Obama victory

I’ve been working for a while on a post, which I’m planning to get up later today, on what I expect out of an Obama presidency—and at this point, that pretty much is what I expect. I believe John McCain has a chance to win, but I don’t believe he’ll make his case forcefully enough to do so. Still, because there are significant unanswered questions about Barack Obama, he does have the ability to do so, and as a consequence, the McCain campaign has been starting to show some signs of life again. A lot of that is due to Sarah Palin; now that they’ve let her off the short leash to campaign on her own and do things like local TV interviews (that one’s with a Tampa station), she’s once again injecting some energy into the ticket. It also helps that the MSM are finally starting to notice some of the things the Obama campaign has been trying to keep behind the curtain, as with this CNN report on the relationship between Barack Obama and Bill Ayers:

This is an issue for which the Obama campaign has no good answer, as Mark Halperin’s interview with Robert Gibbs shows. All Gibbs, a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, could do was try to answer questions Halperin wasn’t asking and refuse to address the question he was asking: “Does Barack Obama think it’s appropriate to have professional ties to an unrepentant terrorist?” Gibbs ended up (on a question about his favorite country-music lyric) with this: “I’ll say it to you, Mark, but not to your listeners: ‘Here’s a quarter, call someone who cares.'”Some might say that Sen. Obama’s association with Ayers shouldn’t matter; if the Obama campaign wants to take up that challenge, address it straight on, and make that case, more power to them. So far, though, they’re refusing to do that, trying to duck the question and hope people just don’t care; and as Peter Wehner notes, that’s not a responsible approach.

Some may believe it should matter a lot, some may believe it should matter a little, and some may believe it shouldn’t matter at all. But that association, like the associations with the Reverend Wright and Tony Rezko, are part of Obama’s history and deserve to be discussed in a temperate, reasonable, factual way. Mark Halperin attempted to do just that. Team Obama’s evasive and clumsy response simply raises additional doubts about its candidate and his past. If there’s a simple explanation to Obama’s past associations, it would be helpful to hear what it is.

The thing is, as Sen. Obama knows full well and most people don’t realize, for him, “just some guy who lives in my neighborhood” isn’t nearly as dismissive as it sounds. He lives in Hyde Park, in a fairly tight-knit community of intellectuals who range from “very liberal” to “extremely liberal”; folks like the Obamas, Ayers, and Rashid Khalidi, the radical Palestinian advocate who lived in the neighborhood until 2003, formed a much closer group, a much stronger community, than the word “neighborhood” suggests to most people these days. The folks who live in the Obamas’ neighborhood, including Ayers and Khalidi, have done a lot to shape them into the people they are.Along with these associations goes another one, Sen. Obama’s ties to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now); this is a bit of an odd case, since he likes to talk about his time as a community organizer, but doesn’t want people to know about the organization that would show them what that was really all about. That might have something to do with the fact that ACORN is being investigated for voter-registration fraud (we now have, for instance, 105% of the eligible population of Indianapolis registered to vote—and it’s not just happening there, it’s all over the place), which is particularly troubling since the Obama campaign has paid ACORN $800,000 for voter-registration efforts. You’d think his campaign would know that this is what they mean by “getting out the vote,” given his long association with them. (Earlier, during his time on the board of the Woods Fund, that fund gave ACORN almost $200,000.) Then again, in Chicago, this is just standard operating procedure, so maybe it doesn’t seem unreasonable to them. Even so, you can understand Sen. Obama and his campaign not wanting people to know what “community organizing” really looks like:

Acorn’s tactics are famously “in your face.” Just think of Code Pink’s well-known operations (threatening to occupy congressional offices, interrupting the testimony of General David Petraeus) and you’ll get the idea. Acorn protesters have disrupted Federal Reserve hearings, but mostly deploy their aggressive tactics locally. Chicago is home to one of its strongest chapters, and Acorn has burst into a closed city council meeting there. Acorn protestors in Baltimore disrupted a bankers’ dinner and sent four busloads of profanity-screaming protestors against the mayor’s home, terrifying his wife and kids. Even a Baltimore city council member who generally supports Acorn said their intimidation tactics had crossed the line.

Obviously, that sort of strategy isn’t any visible part of Sen. Obama’s run for the White House; but this isn’t the image he wants people to have in mind when he talks about being a community organizer.In a lot of ways, it seems to me, what the Obama campaign is really trying to do is to keep people from thinking about him as a Chicago politician, because everybody knows what that means. I think that’s the big reason they want us all to forget about Bill Ayers, and Tony Rezko, and the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, and for that matter Richard Daley; because if you start thinking about him in terms of those people, and then throw in the questions about the legitimacy of a lot of the money the Obama campaign has raised (and their failure to answer those questions), then Sen. Obama stops looking like a new figure in politics and starts looking like nothing more than old-style Chicago corruption with a new face. I’ve said before that the McCain campaign needs to tie Sen. Obama to Nancy Pelosi (and also Harry Reid), and they do (and they’ve tried, at least somewhat, but so far without enough success); the other thing they need to do is tell the public that he’s just another Chicago politician. Gov. Palin has started making that case; Sen. McCain needs to step up and drive it home.HT for several of the ACORN links: The Anchoress

The crowning irony of a strange campaign

Paul Hinderaker of Power Line has brilliantly captured something I’ve been thinking about but hadn’t quite put together like this:

If it turns out to be the financial crisis that puts Barack Obama over the top in his quest for the White House, the irony will be difficult to overstate. First, the biggest driver of the financial crisis was not any conservative policy such as the kind of deregulation John McCain supports. Rather, as Diana West argues, the biggest driver was the “race-based social engineering” that “virtually created the sub-prime mortgage industry.” The implosion of that industry, in turn, triggered the present crisis.The operative vision, then, was leftist and racialist, not free-market. As West puts it, the social engineers decided that not “enough” minorities had homes because not “enough” minorities were eligible for mortgages. The solution was to junk the bottom-line, non-racial markers of mortgage eligibility traditionally used by banks to distinguish between good and bad credit risks—steady employment, clean credit, and a down payment. Obama, then, is the beneficiary of the terrible failure of affirmative action style policies in the mortgage banking sector.But the irony extends further. For it turns out that intimidating banks into making bad loans to minorities was a major activity of “community organizations” during the 1990s. And, according to Stanley Kurtz, Obama himself trained and funded ACORN activists who engaged in such intimidation.Using a combination of intimidation and white guilt to plunge the banking industry into the crisis that brings a radical activist to power—even Saul Alinsky couldn’t have drawn it up this well.