Barack Obama, censor

It’s odd—liberals have beaten up Sarah Palin for “wanting to ban books” because of a comment she made to the librarian in Wasilla while she was mayor, even going so far as to invent a list of books she supposedly wanted banned (scroll down to #40-43), all the while ignoring the far worse assault on free speech by Barack Obama and his campaign. I’ve been wanting to post on this for a while, but it’s been hard to keep ahead of the occurrences; for the moment, I’ll just direct you to Andrew McCarthy’s helpful rundown. He doesn’t mention everything (for example, he notes the Obama campaign’s orchestrated effort to shout down Stanley Kurtz, but fails to mention they did the same thing to David Freddoso, author of The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate), nor does he provide all the links, but it’s a good overview of the Obama campaign’s highly troubling behavior, and an excellent commentary on why we should be worried by it. For my part, I think Missouri Governor Matt Blunt is completely justified in decrying “the stench of police state tactics”; if this tells us anything about how a President Obama would respond to opposition, we should all be very worried indeed.

Posted in Barack Obama, Politics, Uncategorized.

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