Things good pastors say

The inimitable Jared Wilson has a wonderful post up today titled “10 Things Good Pastors Say” which captures some important truths about ministry. I will note that #1 really does not make one feel like a good pastor—nor, in some cases, does #2, especially when it comes in combination with #1—but that’s one of the reasons why they’re so critical. You don’t say them, you never have the chance to become a good pastor.Here’s the list, and I’ll include his comment for #1; if you want the rest, go read the full post.

1. Please forgive me.

Better than “I’m sorry,” which can often be followed with an “if” or a “but,” these words indicate a humble heart. Bad pastors hide their faults behind the cloak of their authority, practice self-defense against all charges, and basically pretend. Good pastors know they’re sinners and admit it.

2. You’re right.

3. You’re wrong.

4. Jesus loves you.

5. I love you.

6. Me too.

7. Any time.

8. Thank you.

9. Grace is true.

10. You’re approved.


Posted in Church and ministry, Religion and theology.


  1. I loved this. And it really can be applied to any Christ follower, especially in a leadership position. Thanks for posting that link, it was worth following to read the extra comments.

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