“If you think you understand . . .”

I often disagree with Fr. Andrew Greeley—make that usually disagree—on matters of theology, but I respect and enjoy his work all the same; while I think he argues from many incorrect first principles, he’s a man of considerable perception and insight. His latest piece in the Chicago Sun-Times, “There’s No Solving Mystery of Christ,” is a well-written recovery of one of St. Augustine’s greatest insights. As Fr. Greeley puts it in his closing line, “If Jesus makes you feel comfortable with your agenda, then he’s not Jesus.” Amen. Now there’s something that both liberals like Fr. Greeley and conservatives like me really need to bear in mind.(Note:  the original article is no longer online; the link has been repointed to a reposting of the original article.)

Cannibalism between consenting adults

You might not have heard this, but the lawyer for Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal, is defending his client’s actions on the grounds of mutual consent–Meiwes wanted to eat somebody, Bernd Brandes wanted to be eaten, and who is the state to interfere with the actions of two consenting adults? Unfortunately, as the inimitable Theodore Dalrymple points out, he has a case. Can modern philosophy and jurisprudence really come up with any coherent reason to convict him?

Sex, please, we’re British?

Sunday’s London Telegraph printed an eye-opening article on sex education in the US and the UK. The US has gone in the direction of abstinence education where the UK has emphasized safe sex and pregnancy prevention. The result? Teen pregnancy rates in the US are the lowest they’ve been in a decade, while the UK is “the pregnancy capital of Europe.”

Gee, maybe there’s something to be said for traditional morality after all . . .