(This is a second excerpt from chapter 17 of my manuscript on the Sermon on the Mount; the first excerpt is here.)
That the Pharisees confronting Jesus [in Matthew 19] don’t believe divorce to be sinful is clear from their belief that Moses commanded divorce. Jesus shows them how far wrong they have gone, and how hard their hearts have become, by linking divorce to adultery. He does the same in the Sermon on the Mount, and it’s instructive to put the two statements together. Matthew 19:9 is straightforward: “Anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.”[1] The man is the guilty party from start to finish. If he divorces his wife unjustly, God will not grant his divorce. Any remarriage on his part is adulterous because it defies the will and purpose of God in creating marriage in the first place. God will not simply accede to our pretensions to set his work aside for our own selfish purposes.Read more