Call and Response

(John 9)

Note:  the video begins with a dramatic reading of John 9 and concludes with the Lord’s Supper, with the words of institution; the sermon begins around 5:56.

The lectionary this morning brings us to John 9, in a season when we are looking at God’s word through the lens of calling and mission.  Left to my own devices I would probably never have put these two things together; but I was not left to my own devices.  It’s a great gift to have good colleagues, and this year I’ve been pondering the words of one of the wise pastors I know.  Those words were in the back of my mind as I began preparing this message, and they quickly became my guide to see John 9 from a new angle.  Let me show you:

[play sermon snippet, Emily Cash, VSF, 1/29/23]

When we talk about the ways God calls us to be and do what he wills, we have to face the fact that his calling is rarely obvious or explicitly spelled out.  Given that reality, there are two profoundly important truths in Emily’s words.Read more