What is this building?

This is an embassy.  Specifically, this building is an embassy of the Kingdom of Heaven to the nations of this world, and the people of God are Heaven’s foreign service.  We are God’s ambassadors to the communities in which he has placed us to carry out his policy in this world.

That policy, the policy of the kingdom of God in this world, is reconciliation.  We have been given the job of announcing a peace treaty between the Kingdom of God and the warring kingdoms of this world.  That peace treaty was signed by God himself in the city of Jerusalem on a dark Friday in the spring of the year 29 AD, and it is open to anyone willing to sign on.  Our job is not to make peace, nor is it to negotiate anything.  Our job is simply to declare the peace God has already made with us through Jesus Christ, to proclaim the good news of reconciliation to all those who need to hear it, and to invite them to sign the treaty and join us.


Photo ©2021 Richard Haddeman.  Public domain.

On being a man

I noted recently my appreciation for Elizabeth Moon’s novel Against the Odds, citing her character Kevil Mahoney’s discussion of the distribution of human talent.  Another favorite passage of mine is a bit of impromptu marriage counseling given by an older man, Professor Gustaf Aidersson, to one of her young protagonists, Lieutenant Barin Serrano.  (By way of background, Aidersson has been married for decades to a sculptor named Kata, while Serrano is recently married to one of Moon’s longer-running protagonists, Esmay Suiza, now Lieutenant Commander Esmay Suiza-Serrano.)

“A man who is just a scientist, or just a soldier, or just a woodcutter isn’t a whole man.  I’ll tell you what I think a man is—and by man I don’t mean a featherless biped or something who just happens to have human DNA and a Y chromosome.  A man is a person who has learned—is learning, is willing to learn—to know himself.  Who can face the truth about himself and go on living, who makes the right kind of difference in the world.”

“Truth’s not always easy,” Barin muttered into his potatoes.

“Truth is never easy,” the professor said.  “Truth about yourself is the hardest.  But men love, men protect those they love, men walk with honor.  So can women—Kata would smack me with one of her carving tools if she thought I didn’t know that—but right now, because we’re both men, we’re talking about men.”

“What if you . . . make bad mistakes?” Barin asked.

“You fix them, as best you can,” the professor said.  “Admit them, make amends, try again.  I’ve certainly made them.  Lots.  It’s how you learn.”

I love Moon’s emphasis here:  being a real man—or a real woman—is about facing yourself honestly, asking yourself the hard questions, accepting the truth without defense, and moving forward with honor.

Mystery: a spiritual discipline?

If you’re going by the standard lists, no, of course not—it’s not on any of them—but I think there’s a case to be made.

As always, it’s important to begin by defining your terms.  First, spiritual disciplines are not law but grace, not requirement but gift.  They are not things we do because we have to or to get some sort of response from God, they are things we have been set free to do because of what God has done for us and is doing in us.

Second, a mystery is not a secret God is unwilling to tell or something too obscure or difficult for us to understand, nor is it something we have to figure out.  When the Bible talks about mystery, it means something we can’t figure out on our own.  It’s something too big to be seen by the unaided eye, fully comprehended by the human mind, or defined and circumscribed by the human capacity for reason.Read more

hope*links, 8/4/21

This is still later than I wanted to get this up, but at least life is settling down again.

Aline Lucas Meyer, “I Knew You in the Wilderness”
Waiting is hard, and God is good.

Abby Ross on adulting
We were made to share the load together.

Natalie Scott reflects on Lamentations 3:23
I love this line:  “Just because they’re new in the morning doesn’t mean they’re old by lunchtime.”

Joy Marker, “The Art of Noticing Without Judgment”
This is a fascinating . . . observation?

Any group of people is a group of people

“Every time society has given it a chance, it’s been shown that talent exists in previously despised populations. . . .  Over and over again, it’s been shown that an ordinary sampling of the population, including those considered inferior or hopeless, contains men and women of rare intelligence, wit, and ability.”

—Kevil Starbridge Mahoney, in Elizabeth Moon, Against the Odds


For a military science fiction adventure, Elizabeth Moon’s novel Against the Odds is remarkably rich in reflection; the scene from which this quote was taken is one outstanding example, but not the only one.  Though the focus of this scene is on the distribution of human talent, the same is true of human character.  Any ordinary sampling of the population, provided it’s large enough, will contain men and women of rare integrity, humility, and selflessness—and others who are their moral opposites.

The key word there, of course, is “ordinary”; if we consider populations which are selected for specific characteristics in some way, things will be skewed accordingly.  Professional basketball players are taller on average than the normal run of people.  Serial killers as a group are presumably worse people than average.  Neither group is representative of the human race as a whole—both are out of the ordinary in some way.  They are skewed samples by definition.

In an ordinary sampling, however—one which is not selected for a particular characteristic or extreme behavior pattern—any sufficiently large group of people will be much the same as any other sufficiently large group of people, both in the distribution of physical and mental gifts and in the range of their character.  Each group will have its geniuses and its people of below-average intelligence; its profiles in courage and its exemplars of cowardice; its brilliant musicians and its tone-deaf music haters; and each group will have its saints, and each group will have its servants of death.

Having been ordained to pastoral ministry almost nineteen years ago, I could hope that the American church would qualify as an extraordinary group of people, but I know better.  There are certainly great saints in many of our congregations, but there are also those who have joined the church for all the wrong reasons.  They may value the church as a social club, or as a good place for networking; or, sadly, they may have worse motives.  Some find a congregation where they can take power and exercise control; others are abusers who have identified a given congregation as a good hunting ground.  To our shame, some in all these groups are pastors.  The false shepherds of Ezekiel 34 who use the sheep as a source of meat and wool are still very much with us.

When revival comes, that will change; and for now, as the cultural acceptability of Christianity sinks slowly in the West, perhaps that will change things somewhat as well.  What will not change is the reality that someone’s outward profession of belief doesn’t actually guarantee anything about the inward reality of that person’s heart.  What someone says doesn’t tell us why they said it, and so we will always be vulnerable to imposters, poseurs, opportunists, and other liars.  As such, though we should be grieved when people who call themselves Christians do vile things, we shouldn’t be surprised.  For one thing, of course, though we are being saved, we still have great darkness in our hearts; and for another, Jesus knew full well—and warned us—that there would be those in his church who were not truly of his church.  (As the late Keith Green put it, “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s makes you a hamburger.”)

All of this said, while the church needs to remember that it has no right to think of itself as better than any other group of people, I think this lesson is needed more urgently somewhere else:  in our political parties.  At least in America, on my read, one of the great driving forces of our politics is an assertive feeling of positional moral superiority:  the belief that I am morally superior because I believe what I believe, and so are those who disagree with me.  The corollary, of course, is that those who disagree with me are on that basis my moral inferiors, and can thus be assumed to disagree with me for morally reprehensible reasons.

Not to put too fine a point on it, this is a lie from the pit of Hell.

The truth of the matter is, both the Republican and Democratic parties (or, as I tend to think of them these days, the Red Tribe and the Blue Tribe) contain the full range of people, from those whose motives are of the best to those who are modern-day Thénardiers.  We can hold our opinions for reasons which are morally admirable or morally abominable without it changing our professed arguments for those opinions one whit.  Our belief to the contrary isn’t rooted in evidence, it’s rooted in the fact that the feeling of moral superiority is powerfully addictive.  The desire to look down on other people is one of the oldest and ugliest of all temptations—an emotional drug with very few equals.  Sadly, our political culture is so high on it, it will probably take a work of the Holy Spirit to bring us down.

This is a major reason why my political agenda these days boils down to one sentence:  pray for revival.


Photo ©2019 Vladimir Morozov.  License:  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.