The Promise of Deliverance


(Genesis 11:27-12:7, 15:1-18, 17:1-16; Romans 4:2-5, 16b-25; Hebrews 11:8-9a)

That’s the scale and scope of God’s plan.  That’s the size of his purpose:  the redemption of nothing less than everything.  As we saw last week, God has been a God of deliverance from the moment our first parents sinned.  There’s a popular idea that “the God of the Old Testament” is all about fire and brimstone and judgment and wrath, while Jesus and the New Testament give us a God who’s all about love and mercy and forgiveness—don’t believe it, it’s bunk.  Pure tripe.  Right from the first, God has been on about redemption and deliverance for those who are enslaved by sin and oppressed by death.  Yes, his wrath is a real thing:  it’s the wrath of the lover against anyone and anything that hurts the beloved.  His wrath is against sin and death.  If we cling to our sin kicking and screaming, then his wrath falls on us as well as a consequence; but if we let him work, it becomes the surgeon’s scalpel to cut us free from the power of sin and death.  God is in the deliverance business—all in, full stop.

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