The Passover Lamb

(Exodus 12:1-14; Luke 2:1-20)

When Caesar Augustus ordered a census be taken throughout the Roman Empire, all he wanted was information for the tax rolls.  The idea that his census would be remembered for something else entirely would have been completely inconceivable to him.  And yet, so it was, because Rome allowed the Jews to conduct the census according to their own traditions.  That meant registering everyone not by their current address, but by their clans and tribes, in the family’s hometown, in the place of their ancestors.
So it was that one descendant of the great King David, a carpenter from the little town of Nazareth up in the hills of Galilee, traveled one spring down to the home of his ancestors, the town of Bethlehem, in the hill country of Judea.  And yes, I did say spring, and we’ll get to that in a few minutes.  With him on the journey was a very pregnant young woman.  Matthew 1 tells us that they were already married at this point, but the marriage was unconsummated; Luke’s point in 2:5 is probably not that they were still only engaged, but rather that Mary was still a virgin.  Nowadays, we’d tell her she was far too pregnant to travel, but they didn’t think that way back then, so there she was.
It’s unfortunate for us, but there are a number of traditions which have grown up around this story which skew our understanding of it.  In the first place, we tend to imagine Mary going into labor on the back of the donkey as they approach Bethlehem, and giving birth that same night; that’s not what Luke says.  It wasn’t long after their arrival that she gave birth, but there were at least a couple days in between.
A more significant problem is with the traditional translation “there was no room for them in the inn.”  You see, there’s a word in the Greek for “inn”; Luke uses it in the parable of the Good Samaritan.  That’s not the word here.  This word is kataluma, which Luke uses in chapter 22 for the “upper room”—the guest room—where Jesus and his disciples celebrate the Passover.  That’s a much more natural interpretation of the word here.  For one thing, it would be odd for Luke to use kataluma to refer to an inn when he knew a better word for that.  For another, Bethlehem probably didn’t have any inns.  It was a small town near a major city, and inns really weren’t all that common.  Mostly, when people traveled, they stayed with relatives, or friends, or relatives of friends.
The same was true of Joseph and Mary, but we miss that because we see Jesus laid in a feed trough and we think “barn.”  Villagers in that time and place didn’t keep their animals in barns, because they didn’t have barns.  When the weather required the animals to be kept indoors at night, they stayed in the house.  You can see from the diagram on the screen that the typical house had one big living room, with the main level for the family and a lower level for the animals.  It wasn’t a big drop, just a few steps.  The mangers for the animals were cut into the floor of the main level, right near the edge.
For some houses, that was all there was.  Some, however, had a second room attached, with its own entrance.  That was the kataluma, the guest room.  When Joseph got to Bethlehem, he would have been looking to stay with relatives, as would all the other members of the clan who were coming into Bethlehem to be registered; naturally, he went to those in the family who had guest rooms in their homes.  Despite Mary’s advanced pregnancy, however, no one made space for them in any of the guest rooms.  After all, their story was scandalous, and the family did not approve.  Still, they couldn’t turn out a pregnant relative either, so someone in the clan let Mary and Joseph stay in their home—but apart from the rest of the family.
That sounds bad, but a manger set into the floor, filled with clean straw, was a safe, sturdy bed for a newborn.  It’s not what you would have expected for the Son of God, but for exactly that reason, it was a sign of God’s grace.  Jesus wasn’t just born for the rich and influential, like the Persian wise men who would be the second outside witnesses to his birth.  He was also born for people like the shepherds, who got to see him first.  Shep­herds filled a critical role in the economy in Israel, but increasingly, their only role in Jewish society was at the bottom.  They would never have been allowed into the guest room of a respectable house—but in the lowest part of the house, where the animals stayed, they belonged.  Jesus was born where they too would be welcome.
That matters, because the presence of the shepherds in this story is a sign to us.  We tend not to see it, because we’ve gotten too close—our familiarity gets in the way—but it’s still there; the shepherds show us how big this story really is.  I’ve already men­tioned one way in which that’s true:  Jesus is God with us—all of us.  You can see that in the angel’s words to the shepherds.  He tells them to look for a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger, but he doesn’t say, “This is how you’ll know it’s the right baby”; he says, “This will be a sign to you.”  In other words, there’s a message here.  God has come to Earth, love has come to his people, and he came to a place where anyone could come, so that right from the first moment he was God with all of us, everyone.
There’s another part to that message, however, which the shepherds probably didn’t get.  You see, this was Bethlehem, where the Temple flocks grazed; and the fact that the sheep were out in the fields at night rather than in their sheepfolds back in town indicates that it was lambing season, in the spring of the year.  The firstborn lambs would be wrapped in strips of cloth to protect them and keep them still, then taken into the Tower of the Flock and laid in a basin carved out of a piece of limestone, which was called “the manger.”  Here they were examined to see if they were without blemish or defect.

These were the lambs for the Passover; and on that same night, wrapped in strips of cloth and laid in a stone manger just as they were, God’s promised Messiah was born.  The lambs were for the remembrance of God’s great deliverance of his people from slavery in Egypt; the Passover was the beginning of the Exodus.  Jesus had come to lead the people of God on a new Exodus, an even greater deliverance from an even greater slavery—not from any mere political power, be it Egypt or Rome, but from the power of sin and death.  It’s entirely fitting that Jesus’ birth was heralded by the cosmic sign of a great star blazing in the night, because it was a cosmic event.  This was the Creator of all things becoming a creature, the Author of the whole story writing himself in as a character; this was the God above time breaking in to history, and the world would never be the same.

The Banquet at the World’s End

(Isaiah 25:6-10a; Luke 14:12-24)

To understand our passage from Isaiah, you need to look at chapter 24, which begins, “Now the Lord is about to lay waste the earth and make it desolate,” and carries on from there.  There’s a turn in the last verse, however, as the Lord of hosts estab­lishes his reign on earth; then comes a hymn of praise to God, and then our passage this morning.  “On this mountain”—on Mount Zion, after he has judged the earth—the Lord will prepare a feast, not just for Israel, but for all the nations.  He will “swallow up” the shroud that covers the nations and keeps them from seeing his glory, and Jew and Gentile alike will receive his salvation.

This great banquet is related to the coming of the Messiah; but while the Jews got that part, they rejected a key element of Isaiah’s vision, that the Messiah’s banquet would include all the nations, not just the Jews.  Thus the Aramaic version of this passage renders verse 6 this way:  “In this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all the peoples a meal; and though they suppose it is an honor, it will be a shame for them, and great plagues, plagues from which they will be unable to escape, plagues whereby they will come to their end.”  Whoever was responsible for that couldn’t accept the idea that God might bless non-Jews, so they narrowed the passage.  Over time, that narrowing process continued, excluding unrighteous Jews, and then anyone with any sort of physical blemish; only those worthy to earn an invitation would be welcome.

This is where the dinner guest is coming from in Luke 14.  His statement is a conventional piety, to which he expected a conventional response.  He certainly wouldn’t have thought to provoke a challenge, and yet that’s what he gets.  Jesus sets the scene briefly:  a rich man gave a dinner party.  He sends out the invitations with an RSVP, so that he’ll know how many are coming, and thus what kind of meat to serve.  For a few guests, it might be a chicken or two, or a duck; for 10-15, a goat; for a larger number, a sheep.  To feed 35 or more would need a calf.  Once they’d butchered the appropriate animal, it had to be eaten that day, since the meat would never keep.  Once you accepted the invitation, you were duty-bound to come, so that none of the host’s food would go to waste.

The host makes his preparations, and when the meal is nearly ready, he sends out his servant to tell his guests that the feast is prepared.  They accepted the invitations and promised to attend, but to his surprise, now that it’s time for them to come, they refuse.  That alone was a considerable insult to their host, but then they offer excuses which can only have been calculated to increase that insult.  For whatever reason, they’re giving their host a deliberate slap in the face.

The first guest says, “I bought a piece of land, and I must go out and see it; please accept my regrets.”  Now, imagine you’re throwing a big party, and just as it’s starting, one of your guests calls and says, “I’m not coming—I just bought a house down in Indy, I’ve never seen it and I don’t know where it is, so I have to go look it over and check out the neighborhood.”  Are you going to believe them?  No!  Do you think they’d expect you to?  Of course not.  The excuse is ridiculous.  Who would buy a piece of property about which they knew nothing?

That was even truer then; buying a piece of land could take years.  W. M. Thomson, a missionary to Syria in the 1800s, said, “It is not enough that you purchase a well-known lot; the contract must mention everything that belongs to it, and certify that fountains or wells in it, trees upon it, etc., are sold with the field. . . .  Thus Abraham bought this field and the cave that was therein, and all the trees that were in the field, and that were in all the borders round about, were made sure.”  You knew a piece of land intimately before you bought it.  This excuse is a joke, and everyone knows it.  Worse, this guest says, “I must go out and see it.”  He’s saying this field is more important to him than his relationship to the host, which only compounds the insult.

The next excuse is even more preposterous.  Imagine a friend calling you up and saying, “I can’t come to the party—I just bought five used cars over the phone, and I have to go find out their make, model, age, and mileage, and see if they’ll start.”  No one would buy a team of oxen without testing them first—in public—to see how well they pulled together.  This excuse is just as transparently false as the first, and even more insulting.  Fields are land, after all, and land is holy, but oxen are just animals.  For the first guest to say that land was more important to him than his relationship with the host was bad enough, but oxen?

That said, this man is at least civil, as was the first.  The same cannot be said of the third one.  You see, this wasn’t his wedding night; the host would never have scheduled his banquet for the same day as a wedding.  No one would have come.  This guest already knew he was married, or would be, when he accepted the invitation.  Also, men in that culture were supposed to be very reserved when talking about women in public settings.  In particular, sex was seen as an intensely private thing which wasn’t to be mentioned in public.  It was extremely rude for this guest to say, “I know I said I’d come to your banquet, but remember, I got married not long ago, and this afternoon my wife—well, you get the picture.  I’m not coming.”  He doesn’t even bother to send his regrets, which only makes things worse.  As Kenneth Bailey notes, “The entire response is guaranteed to infuriate the most patient of hosts, East or West.”

Indeed, the host is furious; he’s just taken several nasty public insults.  He also has a problem:  what to do with all the food?  His delinquent guests are sure they’ve dealt him a humiliating defeat.  Obviously the feast can’t go on without them, and the food will go to waste.  But the host rises above them, and responds with grace:  if those who would be considered worthy of his invitation won’t come, then he’ll invite the unworthy.  He sends his servant out into the city to bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame—those who were excluded from polite society.  This would enrage his original guests, both for the implied insult and because their attempt to prevent the banquet has failed.  They might retaliate somehow, but he does it anyway.

The servant comes back to report that he’s carried out his instructions, but there’s still room at the feast.  The host commands him to go out beyond the bounds of the community, out into the highways and side roads of the wider world, to bring people in to fill the tables.  This is an even more staggering command than the first—not least to those invited.  That’s why the master says, “Make them come in.”  In that culture, the unexpected invitation must be refused, and especially if the guest was of lower status than the host.  It was a matter of honor.  Those he was now inviting would be sure the host didn’t mean the invitation—that it was a gesture of some sort.  Nothing good could come from accepting an invitation that wasn’t meant to be accepted.  Thus the servant must gently compel the newly-invited guests, not with physical force, but with reassurance that yes, this invitation is completely sincere, as unbelievable as that is.

This must also have floored those listening to Jesus.  Whatever the merits of the poor, crippled, blind and lame, they’re at least members of the community.  They belong to some degree; they have an interest in the welfare of the city, and some connection to the host, however tenuous.  But outsidersForeigners?  To Jesus’ audience, that was unfathomable.

They knew what he meant.  Some of Jesus’ parables confused his audience, but this wasn’t one of them.  This is the banquet Isaiah promised, and Jesus’ point is painfully clear:  some who expect to be there won’t be, and they’ll be excluded by their own hand, because they’ve rejected God’s invitation.  In their place will be many whom the world calls “unworthy,” and many outsiders—Gentiles—including us.  Those who accept the invitation will be there.  Those who refuse it because they have rejected the Servant, Jesus, will be outside, no matter how they argue.  Jesus makes that clear with his closing comment, which is not part of the parable—the “you” is plural, so this is Jesus talking directly to his audience:  “None of those who were invited will taste my dinner.”  They’ve excluded themselves, and their self-exclusion is final.

The banquet of the Messiah isn’t for good churchgoing people who live moral lives.  It isn’t for respectable folks who are upstanding members of society.  It isn’t for those who stand for traditional values.  Not that any of those are necessarily excluded—it isn’t not for them, either—but you can’t get in that way.  Living a moral life won’t get you in.  Campaigning for biblical values won’t earn you a ticket.  Even faithfully attending church won’t qualify you.  The only way in is through the Servant, the Messiah, Jesus.  The banquet of the Messiah isn’t for those who think they deserve to be there.  It’s only for those who know they don’t.  It isn’t for those who think they’re good enough to make it by their own work; it’s for those who know they’ll only make it by the grace of God.  It’s by his grace alone, for those who accept that the only way is grace alone, through Christ alone.

First Things First

(Job 31:24-28; Luke 12:13-21)

The situation Jesus faces is clear:  this man’s father died and left the land as an inheritance to his sons as a single unit.  That way, it will support both without the problems that would come with dividing it.  The expectation is that they will cooperate, so that their father’s purpose will be honored, but for whatever reason, one of the brothers is refusing.  According to the law, if one heir wanted the inheritance divided, the division must be granted.  Like the widow with the unjust judge, this man is legally in the right.

And yet:  note how he approaches Jesus.  He isn’t asking Jesus to mediate between himself and his brother; he isn’t putting himself under Jesus’ authority to decide the case.  He tells Jesus what to decide.  He’s already made up his mind that he wants the land divided—and no doubt what piece he wants—and is trying to use Jesus to make his brother give him what he has already decided he’s going to get.  Thus, while this unnamed man is crying out for justice—and in a legal sense, is justified in his cry—his perspective is completely self-centered, and completely lacking in any sense of self-criticism.  He’s decided what justice is due him, he’s decided what his rights are, and he doesn’t care a whit about anyone else’s rights or what justice might be due anyone else—or, apparently, about his relationship with his brother.

As the missionary and theologian Lesslie Newbigin observed, “Each of us overestimates what is due to him as compared with what is due to his neighbor. . . .  If I do not acknowledge a justice which judges the justice for which I fight, I am an agent, not of justice, but of lawless tyranny.”  This perfectly describes the petitioner, and it’s why Jesus responds to his demand for justice with disapproval.  This isn’t the response this man expected, knowing Jesus’ concern for justice, but it’s the response he gets, from the first word.  He begins his statement “O man,” which indicates disapproval and complaint.  He continues, “Who made me a judge and divider over you?”  This man wants Jesus to finalize the broken relationship between himself and his brother with total legal separation; we might say he wants Jesus to grant him a divorce from his brother.  Jesus isn’t interested in playing that role—he wants to heal relationships, not end them.

Instead of granting the request, he sets out to help the petitioner see that, as one commentator says, “there is a greater gain than getting an inheritance and a greater loss than losing it.”  He begins by saying, “Take care!  Be on your guard against every kind of insatiable desire”—not just greed, but sexual desire, lust for power, any kind of desire—“for life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.”  Jesus’ statement is general and addressed to the whole audience, but his implication is pointed:  even if the petitioner gets everything he wants, it won’t solve his problem.  As the Egyptian scholar Dr. Ibrahīm Sa‘īd observes, where the petitioner has asked Jesus to be a judge between him and his brother, with this statement Jesus moves instead to be a judge overthem.  “He judges the motives of their hearts,” says Dr. Sa‘īd, “not their pocket books.”

Having made this statement, Jesus expands on it with a parable.  There was a rich man whose land, one year, produced a bumper crop.  He didn’t do the work, he didn’t need the surplus, he didn’t even have any place to put it, but the conditions were right, and he got it anyway.  Now he has to figure out what to do about it.

He shouldn’t have had to do it alone, though.  In that culture, the leading men of the village spent most days sitting at the gate of the village discussing everything that was going on, every problem in the community and the nation, and every issue they faced.  Even the smallest decision would merit hours of discussion—that was the fun part—and any decision of any significance would be made in that setting.  Jesus’ audience would expect this rich man to go down to the gate and talk the situation over with his friends.  Someone there would suggest that if he can’t fit all that food in his barns, he should give it to the poor.  As St. Ambrose observed in the fourth century, the rich man hasstorage available in the mouths of the needy.  But none of this happens.

Instead, we see this rich man dialoguing with himself, in isolation from his community.  He has no close friends, no one he can trust to share this decision.  As Kenneth Bailey puts it, “He has the money to buy a vacuum and live in it,” and that’s just what he’s done.  Of course, when you consider how selfish he is, this isn’t surprising.  He never considers this surplus as God’s gift to him, or as an opportunity to provide for others; the surplus is simply histo use for his own self-indulgence.  His only concern is how to preserve it for his own use.  If he doesn’t have enough space in his barns to store it all, he’ll simply make more space so he can keep it all to himself.

Note his language—my crops, my barns, my grain, my goods—and, finally, my self.  He doesn’t see his things as God’s gifts to him, but rather as his by right; and it would appear that he sees his self in much the same way.  Thus he can say—again, to himself; there’s no one else to share his celebration—“Self, you have it made.  You have enough to kick back and party for the rest of your life.  Live it up!”  He belongs to no one but himself, is responsible to and for no one else, and cares about no one but himself; he has many years of ease and pleasure ahead in his own little vacuum.

Or so he thinks.  He’s forgotten or ignored the one person against whom his wealth means nothing:  God.  As the rich man kicks back, God looks down and says, “You fool!  This very night, your life is required of you; and all these things you have prepared, whose will they be?”  The word for “fool” here has the same root as the word the NIV translates “be merry.”  That word means to have a life which is good to the core of your being.  This word “fool” is the negation of that—it means to be empty and pointless to the core, without mind, wit, spirit, emotions, anything.  It’s an extremely strong word.  From a biblical perspective, it’s about the harshest insult possible.

It’s also, from God’s perspective, completely deserved.  His response to the rich fool shows two gaping problems with this man’s plans.  First, he believed the lie that his life was his own, when in reality he had it on loan from God.  Now the loan is being called, it’s time to give an account of how he used it, and all his riches will do him no good at all.  His plans have come to nothing, because they assumed the one thing none of us can control:  time.  He thought he had it, but his time has run out.  He stored all his treasure in barns on earth, and now he’s leaving and they’re staying and that’s that.

Second, the question “Whose will they be?” bites deep for this isolated man.  He had no one to share his decision, no one to share his celebration, and no desire to share his wealth.  He planned alone and built alone to indulge alone, and now he will die alone, with no idea what may become of his hoard.  He probably had family, and no doubt several people waiting to lay claim to everything he owned; a power struggle was imminent, with no way to tell who would win, and all he’d built could be ruined in the process.

And with that, the text stops, and we’re once again left hanging—with the parable and the frame story both.  We don’t know how the rich man responded, and we don’t know how Jesus’ petitioner reacted to the parable.  The response is left to us.  Jesus’ point is clear, however:  this is how it is with those who spend their efforts storing up treasure on earth for themselves, rather than offering their treasure to God by serving him.  Life may seem good along the way, but in the end, it will all be wasted.

The problem with both Jesus’ petitioner and the rich man of the parable is that they’re putting material things first.  They’re looking for life in possessions, pleasures, power, and pride, and that’s just not where true life is to be found.  They’re putting their trust in wealth, which cannot support their trust.  If you need wealth to do what God has commanded you to do, he can and will provide it—out of nowhere, if he so desires.  More often, of course, he provides just enough for the next step, not one great windfall but a hundred little gifts; but all the wealth of the world is at his full command, and he can do with it as he will.  Which includes, for those who put their faith in it, wiping it away.  That too can and does come out of nowhere.  God calls us to value the things that matter—our relationship with him, first and foremost, and our relationships with those around us—and to trust him for the rest.  He calls us to put first things first.

Staggering Rudeness, Confounding Love

(Deuteronomy 15:1-11; Luke 7:36-50)

Yes, I’d heard of Jesus; he had my fellow Pharisees in an uproar with some of the things he’d said and done.  When the news came that he was passing through my city, of course I went to hear him preach:  I wanted to take his measure.  I have to admit, I was highly impressed with his sermon.  He preached from the scroll of Isaiah, and offered a most insightful interpretation—I’m not sure even I could have done better.  Still, I wanted to know more about the man, so I invited him to my house for dinner.

Word got around, as it always does.  I sent a servant home to tell the rest of them to prepare the feast and set up the long table in the courtyard; by the time I reached my house, there were already quite uninvited guests standing in the courtyard as well.  That’s just the way things work.  They were standing against the walls, of course, so as not to be in the way of the servants; I was not such a fool as to feed any of them and they knew it, but they still wanted to watch.  They had nothing better to do—layabouts, all of them—and there was certainly nothing more interesting going on.

When that Galilean vagabond arrived, I’m sure he expected to be treated as an honored guest.  I doubted he deserved the honor, though, and besides, I wanted to test him.  He’d often been rude to my brother Pharisees, so I was rude to him.  In your culture, I believe you have rituals for visitors—you open the door and invite them in, you take their coats, you invite them to sit down and offer them coffee.  We have ours as well.  There is the kiss of greeting—on the cheek or the hand—and then a servant would wash your guests’ feet, or at the bare minimum bring them water to wash their own.  Feet are filthy, offensive to the nose and the eyes; dirty feet from the muck of the road don’t belong in the house, let alone at the table.  Then you would anoint your guests’ heads with a little olive oil.  I did none of it, and waited to see what this Jesus would do.

I thought he would probably take offense and leave, but he didn’t.  Instead, he went over to one of the couches around the table and reclined.  I see you sit in these uncomfortable upright chairs to eat; we prefer to eat like civilized people, lying on one side with our heads propped up on an elbow and our feet sticking out behind us, away from the table.  It was quite presumptuous of Jesus to do that; properly, the eldest reclines first, then the next oldest, and so on.  That young upstart didn’t know his proper place.

Well, that was bad enough, but no sooner had he done that then a woman in the crowd behind him burst into tears.  I looked at her, and of course I recognized her; every man in the city knew her, and many of them had paid for the privilege.  If I’d noticed her earlier, I would have had her thrown out.  But there she was, sobbing; and then to make matters worse, she rushed forward, fell to her knees, and began to weep over his dirty feet.  She was crying so hard, the tears were actually washing them clean.  Then she uncovered her head and unbound her hair—she could have been divorced for that!  If any man would ever have been willing to marry her.  She used her hair as a towel to wipe the mud and filth off his feet.  Then she reached into her dress and pulled up the flask of perfume that hung around her neck, and she poured it all over his feet, and began to kiss them all over.  Even for a woman like her, that was degrading.

All this going on, and that upstart from Nazareth just sat there looking at her.  He claimed to be a prophet, but a real prophet would have known what sort of woman was touching him, and would never have put up with it.  Then he looked at me and said, “Simon, I have something to say to you.”  He was a guest in my house, but from the expression on his face and the tone of his voice, clearly he wasn’t going to apologize for the disruption he’d caused; so I said, “Spit it out, Teacher.”

He responded, “Two men were in debt to a moneylender.  One owed him $3,000; the other owed him $30,000.  They were both broke.  Rather than having them thrown into prison, their creditor decided to completely forgive both their debts.  Which one will love him more?”

Well, that wasn’t what I’d expected, but there was only one possible answer.  “I suppose,” I said, “the one who was forgiven more.”

He looked me in the eye and said, “You have judged rightly.”  His tone of voice suggested this was a surprise—as if I’d been judging something wrongly.  I could feel my face heating up; this hill country mountebank was making me mad.  But he went on.  He turned to the woman kneeling at his feet and—without even looking back at me!—said, “Do you see this woman?”  Did I see her?  How could I not?  She was a disgrace!

Jesus continued, “I entered your house as your guest, Simon!  You know what hospitality requires.  Yet you didn’t even give me water to wash my own feet—but she has made up for your failure by washing them herself with her tears and drying them with her hair.  You failed to give me a kiss of greeting; she hasn’t stopped kissing my feet.  You failed to anoint my head with olive oil; she surpassed you again—she anointed my feet, and not with cheap oil, but with expensive perfume.

“Simon, she has exposed your many failures for everyone to see, and so you need to understand this.  Her sins are many—you know this, the whole city knows this, and so do I—but God has forgiven all of them; she’s been forgiven much, so she loves much.  But you, Simon—you think you’re a righteous man, and you’ve convinced everyone around you.  Actually, your sins are many, just as hers are—you’ve put some of them on display here this after­noon—but you don’t see them.  In your pride, your arrogance, your self-righteous­ness, and the hardness of your heart, you have rejected the love and grace of God.  Therefore you have been forgiven little, and believe you need little forgiveness; therefore you love little.  You have little love for God, and less for other people.”  Then he reached out and touched the woman on the shoulder; he said, “Your sins are forgiven.”

I was so enraged I could hardly think straight, certainly too furious to speak; yet at the same time, my heart was cold within me, as if I had taken a spear of ice through the chest.  My ears were roaring, but I could hear my other guests asking each other—quiet­ly, so as not to attract that man’s attention—“Who does this guy think he is?  Not only is he willing to insult his host in his own house, he even claims to forgive people’s sins!”

But Jesus ignored them; he was still looking at the woman.  He said to her, “Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace.”  She got up—unsteady on her feet—her cheeks were streaked with tears, her makeup had run, her hair was filthy beyond belief—but her face shone with joy and awe, and peace.  In fact, there seemed to be light all around her, and somehow, she looked beautiful.  Then she turned without a word and walked out of the courtyard.  Complete silence fell.  Even the insects weren’t moving.

How am I supposed to respond to this?  I keep the Law—I fast twice a week, I give tithes of everything I own—and yet this uneducated beggar dares to call me a sinner?  He seriously expects me to believe that woman could be completely forgiven for her entire gross sinful life without even bothering to earn it?  Without even bothering to try?  The very idea is ludicrous—it goes against everything I believe.  And yet—I can’t quite shake it.  Is it possible I’ve been wrong about God all along?  Is it possible I’m just like those stiff-necked people Amos condemned?  Could it be I really am a great sinner?  Should I have been kneeling at his feet too?

The question that really haunts me is—this man was willing to love even such a terrible sinner as that woman, and even to let her touch him.  They call him the friend of sinners, and he certainly proved that.  Is it possible that’s the only reason he accepted my invitation?

Blessed Expectation

(1 Kings 18:41-46; Luke 12:35-40)

The scene here is a wedding banquet in a typical village in Israel.  It’s in the public area of the home of the rich man of the village, and everyone’s there, because in that culture there’s normally no such thing as a private party.  At least, almost everyone is there.  In the host’s private quarters, those of his servants who are lowest in status are keeping themselves ready to serve him whenever he leaves the party and returns to his rooms.  They have to stay up to keep the lamps lit, because trying to prepare and light an oil lamp once it’s already dark is quite difficult.  They have to stay dressed for work; like everyone, they’re wearing loose-fitting floor-length robes, but they have ends of their robes pulled up, and belts on to keep them up.  This way, they have the freedom of movement to work, and they are ready whenever their service is required.  And they have to stay alert, so that they respond quickly to the master’s return.

At some point, the master slips away from the feast while it’s still going on, and he knocks on the door.  Normally, only strangers knocked—if you were going to someone who knew you, you would call out so they could recognize your voice.  Why does the master knock?  Because if he calls out, some of the wedding guests will hear him, and his absence from the banquet will be noticed.  He trusts his servants to be awake and paying attention; if he knocks, they will hear, they will know who’s at the door, and they will let him in.

They open the door, expecting to go to work—but because they were waiting expectantly for him to come, they find a great surprise.  The master has come bearing dinner; he has filled a tray with food from the banquet, and brought it to them to serve them.  He sets down the tray, takes a length of rope, and belts up the end of his robe—which is no ordinary robe, but a fancy one for the celebration.  He then tells them to recline around the table where he and his family eat, and proceeds to serve them himself.  They cannot be at the feast, because they have a duty to perform; because they are performing it faithfully, the master brings the feast to them.

This isn’t how the very rich treat “the help.”  You know that.  I experienced that pastoring in the Colorado Rockies.  I did a fair number of weddings up there, mostly for part-time folks with no connection to the church; some of them could have paid my salary out of pocket change.  The couples always appreciated me, but some of their families saw me the same way they saw the people bussing tables at the reception.  We existed so they could get what they wanted; we were essentially tools to them, not people, with no purpose but to serve their wishes.

But here, the master turns this completely on its head, and serves his servants.  He lowers himself, he humbles himself, he sets aside his pride and his ego, in order to honor his servants and show them love.  This is why he slips out of the wedding.  If it were just a matter of sharing the feast with his servants, he could have sent one of his other servants off to them with a tray.  He doesn’t do that—he goes himself in order to make himself their servant.

This is the love of God, and this is what he did for us in Jesus; and this is why Jesus declares the servants blessed.  He doesn’t say they will be blessed when the master returns; they are blessed already because they are waiting faithfully and expectantly.  As he does in the Beati­tudes, Jesus is saying here that the blessed life isn’t what we think it is.  No doubt the servants had other things they would have preferred to be doing.  They weren’t accomplishing anything, they weren’t being productive and getting things done; nor were they having fun doing things they enjoyed.  It would have been easy for them to look up at the end of an hour and see only an hour wasted.  And yet, they continue to wait actively, listening and keeping ready for their master’s return—and it is for this faithful dedication that Jesus calls them blessed.

Why?  They’re blessed because they’re waiting for the right person.  They’re blessed because their master is worth their faithfulness.  Because they’re focused on serving him, they have to say no to many other things they could be doing, which would seem at the time to be more enjoyable and satisfying; but they put their master ahead of all those other things.  And note this:  it’s all about their master, not anything else.  They aren’t waiting up because they expect a reward—they only expect to serve.  When he returns, he proves they were right to do so.  He honors their faithful waiting and confirms their blessing in a way that makes all their waiting and all their self-denial worth it.