If it seems a little odd to you to put Mark 11 and Philippians 2 together, you might find it interesting that the folks who put the lectionary together would agree with you. The fact is, I’m playing mix-and-match with the lectionary this morning. Today is Palm Sunday, but it’s also called Passion Sunday, especially in churches which don’t have services for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. The lectionary deals with this by offering two tracks: the “Liturgy of the Palms,” with Psalm 118 and Mark 11, and the “Liturgy of the Passion,” with Mark 14 and Philippians 2. There’s a tension here, and the lectionary opts to avoid it with this separation. I believe—and this is very much in keeping with what this congregation has always been—we need to lean into the tension and see what it has to teach us.
To do that, we need to pay careful attention to the context. Strictly speaking, the lectionary passage from Philippians 2 is just verses 5-11, but it’s dangerous to take those verses in isolation. It’s very easy to treat them as a pure abstraction, and then to spiritualize and theologize away to our heart’s content (and many have done just that over the years). Thing is, Paul didn’t write this because he got up one day and felt like saying something pretty about Jesus—he’s going somewhere in this letter, and our passage this morning is a piece of his argument.
So, OK, we’ve included verses 1-4 as the immediate context for the next seven; but then 2:1 begins, “Therefore . . .” There’s a piece of wisdom I heard many times growing up, and maybe you’ve heard this, too: “When you see a ‘therefore,’ you need to see what it’s there for.” It’s good advice, and one of the things that has anchored me in understanding the Bible; therefore tells us this is because of that, and thus where that sends us. Back up a few more verses, then, and, we can see the church in Philippi is going through tough times. They’re facing opposition, and they’re struggling. Paul compares their situation to his own—and he’s in prison, facing possible execution and contemplating his mortality. But while that possibility, to borrow from Samuel Johnson, has concentrated his mind wonderfully, it’s having the opposite effect on the Christians in Philippi: their community is fracturing and dividing under the stress.