Military forces as geopolitical antibodies

I deplore aggression and violence as a way of solving problems.  They can only lead to worse grievances and problems in the long run.  But being prepared to defend yourself if you have to is not the same thing.  This monstrosity consuming Europe is a cancer of the tissues of civilization.  When the body is infected, it mobilizes its antibodies and destroys that which is alien to it.  So, too, must the planetary organism.  In other words, I accept, regretfully, that there are some evils that can only be stopped by force.  Appealing to their better nature is as futile as attempting to reason with a virus.—”Albert Einstein,” in The Proteus Operation, James P. HoganI don’t offer this quote as an appeal to Einstein’s authority; the book is of course a novel (science-fiction alternate-history, for those not familiar with it), and Hogan put those words in Einstein’s mouth.  He evidently considered them representative of the historical Einstein’s beliefs, but I don’t know enough to judge.  I simply offer it because I think it states the position well, by way of a vivid image.  I would certainly call Hamas, and jihadism more generally, “a cancer of the tissues of civilization” which “can only be stopped by force,” and I think their leaders have quite conclusively proven themselves as remorseless and free of conscience as even the worst virus.

Another global-warming skeptic

is the distinguished cosmologist and mathematical physicist Frank Tipler, of Tulane University.  His letter of a few weeks ago (which I missed at the time) to blogger William Katz, detailing the agenda-driven work behind this issue and its relationship to government funding of research, and the developing efforts to suppress scientific challenges to global-warming theory (since its supporters can’t disprove them, they must resort to force to silence them), should concern anyone who cares about the state of scientific research in the West.HT:  John Hinderaker

Landing a 747 on the QE2

That’s about what Barack Obama is trying to do with his sweeping set of legislative proposals to stimulate the economy, as David Brooks recounts.  The problem isn’t content (I think Brooks is right to call this “daring and impressive stuff”); rather,

The problem is overload. . . .  His staff will be searching for the White House restrooms, and they will have to make billion-dollar decisions by the hour. He is asking Congress to behave and submit in a way it never has. He has picked policies that are phenomenally hard to implement, let alone in weeks. The conventional advice for presidents is: focus your energies on a few big things. Obama just blew the doors off that one.Maybe Obama can pull this off, but I have my worries. By this time next year, he’ll either be a great president or a broken one.

We knew the President-Elect is a gambler, but this is something else; to be specific, as Jennifer Rubin says, it’s “hubris squared.”  If he goes ahead with this, I’ll be rooting for him, but . . . well, Congress will be Congress, and I’m not at all sanguine.

Behold the pelican . . .

People all over the West Coast are, and not in a good way:

Pelicans suffering from a mysterious malady are crashing into cars and boats, wandering along roadways and turning up dead by the hundreds across the West Coast, from southern Oregon to Baja California, Mexico, bird-rescue workers say.Weak, disoriented birds are huddling in people’s yards or being struck by cars. More than 100 have been rescued along the California coast, according to the International Bird Rescue Research Center in San Pedro.Hundreds of birds, disoriented or dead, have been observed across the West Coast.”One pelican actually hit a car in Los Angeles,” said Rebecca Dmytryk of Wildrescue, a bird-rescue operation. “One pelican hit a boat in Monterey.”

The worrisome thing is, we don’t know why; no one has yet come up with an explanation that fits the facts.  Here’s hoping someone does soon, and that it’s something we can address.

Looking back: blogging as a spiritual discipline?

A year ago today, I put up a post asking whether blogging can be a spiritual discipline (and if so, how), and came to the conclusion that it can.  I tried to start a meme and get others asking that question, but mostly that didn’t happen; my question did prompt a little discussion, but then it fizzled.  Unexpectedly, the main effect of the question I posed was on my own posting habits.  That was my second post of 2008, and the 97th post on this blog; in 2007, I had 65 posts.  By contrast, a year later, this is now my 668th post since that one; it’s fair, I think, to say the change was significant.  Clearly, blogging has become a discipline for me.  The question is, has it been a spiritual discipline?The most obvious answer is, not always.  There have been a lot of posts over this past year for which I couldn’t make that claim, for one reason or another.  That doesn’t necessarily make them bad posts, though some of them might have been; it just means that posting, say, Jonathan Coulton’s mock ’80s sitcom title sequence probably didn’t make me a holier person (though it did make me smile, which is a good thing, too).To some extent, though, I think it has.  I wrote last year that “blogging can help me see the gaps between what I live and what I believe,” and that has proven true, though not exactly in the way I thought.  I do try to “apply my beliefs and their implications not only to the lives of others out there in the culture, but also to myself and my own life”—to ask the question, “If I say x, and that means someone else ought to change and to live differently, how does it mean that I need to change and live differently?”—but I know there are times I manage that and times I don’t; but here’s where the public aspect of blogging comes in handy, because in those times when I don’t, or when I’m careless about doing so, there’s usually someone out there to post a comment and point it out.  As such, one aspect of blogging as a spiritual discipline is that it exposes one to the correction of others.  (Bearing always in mind that no commenter is any more infallible than I am, or than anyone else is, so there is some need to sift and weigh the comments one receives; nevertheless, the conversation is valuable.)As well, I think the simple discipline of writing has helped.  I don’t know that it’s made me a better preacher, but it’s made me a better writer, and has made the process of writing smoother and less wearying for me; as such, it has at least made me better at producing sermons.  That in and of itself, again, might not be a spiritual discipline, except that I think better, and learn better, in conversation than solo; writing might not be quite as good as a good talk with the right person, but writing about God and Scripture and the church can still be quite valuable for my spiritual growth.  I’ve never been very good at the stereotypical “quiet time”; silence is a good discipline for me primarily because it’s a very hard one, and I can’t sit still to save my life—unless I have something to focus me, like writing.  Writing becomes my devotional time, if I’m writing about things which serve that purpose; writing about God sets my mind and my heart on him, and writing about his people shapes and forms me as a pastor.

Nancy Pelosi: the anti-accountability Speaker

This probably shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did, and disappointed me as well:  Nancy Pelosi has proposed rules changes to reverse the House reforms which were put in place as part of the Contract with America, reforms which

were designed to open up to public scrutiny what had become under this decades-long Democrat majority a dangerously secretive House legislative process. The Republican reform of the way the House did business included opening committee meetings to the public and media, making Congress actually subject to federal law, term limits for committee chairmen ending decades-long committee fiefdoms, truth in budgeting, elimination of the committee proxy vote, authorization of a House audit, specific requirements for blanket rules waivers, and guarantees to the then-Democrat minority party to offer amendments to pieces of legislation.

It would seem that Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want the House GOP to be able to hold her caucus accountable for their actions and decisions, and doesn’t want the public to be able to keep track of what they’re doing; and she certainly doesn’t want the House GOP to have any more input into legislation than she absolutely has to allow them.  Sauce for the goose apparently isn’t sauce for the gander, in her book.  Human Events’ Connie Hair may well be right to conclude,

Pelosi’s proposals are so draconian, and will so polarize the Capitol, that any thought President-elect Obama has of bipartisan cooperation will be rendered impossible before he even takes office.

HT:  The Anchoress

Richard John Neuhaus, RIP

Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, founder of the Institute for Religion and Public Life and founding editor-in-chief of First Things, died this morning at the age of 72, of complications from cancer.  I never met him—I’ve wanted to for years, but I knew it was highly unlikely that it would ever happen—and can’t say I knew him, apart from the occasional gracious correspondence by e-mail (I don’t know if my own experience is typical, but if it is, he has to have spent a lot of time e-mailing random readers), but I truly grieve his death.  As a winsome, insightful, grace-bearing advocate for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our contemporary Western culture (and he was that, even as he never backed down from a fight he deemed worthwhile), he had few equals and fewer superiors over this past century.  His death, coming so soon after that of Avery Cardinal Dulles, impoverishes not only the Catholic theological scene, but the whole church, in America and around the world.  I have no doubt that First Things will continue strong under the leadership of Joseph Bottum, but as my wife pointed out when she called to give me the news, his own voice and perspective will never be replaced.  I appreciate what Bottum had to say, which I think is just about perfect:

My tears are not for him—for he knew, all his life, that his Redeemer lives, and he has now been gathered by the Lord in whom he trusted.I weep, rather for all the rest of us. As a priest, as a writer, as a public leader in so many struggles, and as a friend, no one can take his place. The fabric of life has been torn by his death, and it will not be repaired, for those of us who knew him, until that time when everything is mended and all our tears are wiped away.

It is good and right that Bottum has chosen to repost today Fr. Neuhaus’ 2000 article “Born Toward Dying,” which the Anchoress rightly calls “deep, open, thoughtful, funny, moving and wise. Typically, so.”  My only objection to her use of the word “typically” is that this really is Fr. Neuhaus at his best; it is, I think, a profoundly important piece, especially for our death-denying, thanatophobic culture.The Anchoress also posted a video of the Kings College Choir singing the seventh movement, “In Paradisum,” from Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem in D minor, which suits beautifully here:

Requiescat in pace, Fr. Neuhaus.

A point of perspective

In the face of the resurrection it becomes finally impossible to think of our Christian narrative as only “our point of view,” our perspective on a world that really exists in a different, “secular” way.There is no independently available “real world” against which we must test our Christian convictions, because these convictions are the most final, and at the same time
the most basic, “seeing” of what the world is.—John MilbankMy thanks to the Rev. Dr. Ray Ortlund for posting this quote from Dr. Milbank’s book The Word Made Strange.  It’s a profoundly important point; in particular, it’s a crucial rebuke to any purely subjective understanding of Christianity.  We’re dealing here with a reality which is far greater and wilder than our subjectivity, and which shatters our comfortable reductionism.At the same time, the logic underlying Dr. Milbank’s argument is also a stiff challenge to secular pretensions of greater objectivity; for secularists, too, their convictions “are the most final, and at the same time the most basic, ‘seeing’ of what the world is.”  We cannot, any of us, get outside ourselves to measure ourselves against reality apart from any presuppositions; we cannot see from no point of view.

Rooting for Israel

I noted last month that Arab leaders were encouraging Israel to take out Hamas; obviously, the Israelis have decided to accept the invitation, and are now doing their best to do just that.  I’m rooting for them, for several reasons.First, Hamas wants to destroy Israel, and won’t stop until they’ve either achieved their goal or been destroyed in turn.  The same is not true in reverse of Israel, but at some point, Hamas’ relentless efforts will force the Israelis to adopt the same calculus; they can no more coexist with Hamas than Harry Potter could coexist with Voldemort.  To take the point made by Yisrael Medad, “Israel’s stated and practiced intention these past 3.5 years since disengagement was to let Hamas rule as long as no rockets were fired,” and Hamas never stopped firing rockets.Second, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are going to remarkable lengths to avoid killing innocents—an exceedingly difficult thing to do in such an environment, when Hamas has been stockpiling weapons in civilian homes (thus using their own civilians as human shields for weapons intended to be used to kill the other side’s civilians).  As Jerusalem-based historian and IT specialist Yaacov Lozowick relates,

the IDF has figured out how to separate the civilians from the weapons: call the neighbors and give them ten minutes warning. The numbers prove how efficient this has been: prior to the ground invasion, more than 600 targets had been destroyed, fewer than 500 Palestinians killed, and fewer than 100 of those were civilians even by Palestinian and UN reckoning. Of course, there remain the pictures of civilians surrounded by devastation, but they’re alive, and it wasn’t Israel that stacked bombs in their cellars.Apparently, by Friday Israel had made at least 9,000 (nine thousand) such phone calls. . . .In my professional life I deal with complex IT systems, and I’ve given a bit of thought to this issue seen from that perspective:First, Israel clearly has created a sophisticated GIS (geographic information system). A system that records tens of thousands of buildings, their location, and their distance from each other. Then there’s a database with the names of the tens of thousands of families who live in the buildings, and the phone number of each family. The system has the ability to identify all the families and phone numbers that could be affected by an attack on any given building. Finally, given the numbers involved, there must be a system that automatically makes concurrent phone calls to dozens of families, since everybody has to have the same ten-minute warning.Ah, and someone put tens of thousands of piece of information into that database.Such a system costs real money, takes time to set up, and since it is obviously operating close to flawlessly, it was tested, fiddled with, tested, fiddled with, and tested again. The purpose, I remind you, is to save the lives of thousands of Palestinians who happen to have murderous neighbors.

What’s more, they’ve done this despite the fact that

alongside the thousands of civilians whose lives have been spared there are hundreds, at least, of armed Hamas fighters, the people who put the explosives in the cellars in the first place: by warning their neighbors, Israel has warned them, too, thus giving them the chance to escape and fight another day: say, tonight, or tomorrow, when they’ll still be alive to fight the IDF troops, instead of lying dead under the rubble, as would have been possible had we hit their explosive stashes without prior warning, as any normal army would have done.

Lozowick concludes from all this that, contra what our MSM would have you believe,

the IDF is the most moral army in the world. This drives some people bonkers, and they often go ballistic. Alas for them, and fortunately for many Palestinians, it happens to be the simple truth.

This statement might seem ridiculous to many in the West (given, as noted, the picture our media prefer to paint), but the conduct of the IDF makes it a reasonable one—not merely at the tactical level, but at the level of the IDF’s overall goals and approach.  To quote Scott Johnson of Power Line (emphasis added),

The care taken by the IDF to avoid civilian casualties complicates the achievements of its military objectives and increases the hazards to its soldiers, and it doesn’t do much to win Israel friends outside the United States. It is nevertheless an essential component of Israel’s strategy in dealing with its terrorist enemies.

Third, Hamas is Iran’s proxy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ayatollahs, Inc., and so the battle against Hamas is a battle against Iran by proxy—which makes it a battle the West needs to win.  It also makes it a grand opportunity, as the American Enterprise Institute’s Michael Ledeen points out:

Iran could well lose this battle, and defeat is very dangerous to a regime like Tehran’s, which claims divine sanction for its actions and proclaims the imminent arrival of its messiah and of the triumph of global jihad. If Allah is responsible for victory, what can be said about humiliating defeat? The mullahs are well aware of the stakes, as we can see in their recent behavior.

This is an opportunity we can’t afford to lose.  As I’ve written before, we can afford neither to let the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world go about its work, nor to attack them by any traditional military means; our approach to Iran must of necessity be indirect.  I’ve argued for economic attacks, such as doing everything we can to bring down and hold down the price of oil, and the economic situation is indeed doing the Iranian government significant harm; to quote Ledeen,

the dramatic drop in oil prices is devastating to the mullahs, who had planned to be able to fund terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Suddenly their bottom line is tinged with red, and this carries over onto their domestic balance sheets, which were already demonstrably shaky (they were forced to cancel proposed new taxes when the merchant class staged nation-wide protests). No wonder they seize on any international event to call for petroleum export reductions.

However, the current Israeli counteroffensive against Hamas opens up new opportunities at a time when the Iranian government is facing growing, and increasingly brazen, internal opposition.  Ledeen quotes an Iranian expat who told him that when university students in Iran launched significant demonstrations against their government, “they were surprised that the regime was unable to stop the protests, even though everyone knew they were planned.”  Iran has taken a heavy beating among its terrorist proxies since we launched the surge, and that kind of thing is “bad for operations, bad for recruiting, and weakens the Iranians’ efforts to bully their neighbors into appeasement or more active cooperation.”Ledeen is right, I believe, to say that

the Iranian regime is fundamentally hollow, that much of its apparent strength is bluster and deception rather than real power and resolve. At a minimum, it is a regime that must constantly fear for its own survival, not because of any willful resolve from its external enemies but because of the simmering hatred from its own people.

As such, I think we must take his application of this point very seriously:

This is a moment when those people are, as so often in the recent past, looking for at least a few supportive actions. If the West is now convinced that Iran is the proximate cause and chief sponsor of Hamas’ assault against Israel, it should demonstrate once and for all that we are prepared to fight back.

We cannot afford to do so directly, but Israel has given the West the opportunity to do so in a way which is indirect but unmistakable.  Robert D. Kaplan is both typically dramatic and typically spot-on to say that

Israel has, in effect, launched the war on the Iranian empire that President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, in particular, can only have contemplated.

As Kaplan says, this is a war which we badly need them to win, because the stakes are very, very high.  If they lose, the results could be war on a very large scale indeed, and a veritable explosion in what he calls “the ideologizing of hatred,” as the mullahs are emboldened; but a decisive defeat for the mullahs, removing the appearance of divine sanction which (as Ledeen points out) is so critical for such a regime, at a time of major economic stress could very well bring them down altogether—and that would produce a very different Iran indeed, because the government is not representative of the Iranian people.  To quote Kaplan,

the one place where Moslems are cynical about Iran is in Iran itself, where the regime relies on a narrow base of support amid a state that (despite its vast oil reserves) is in economic shambles. Thus, the supreme irony of the Middle East is that the place where anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism are least potent is in the Iranian heartland. Public opinion-wise, Egypt and Saudi Arabia constitute more dangerous territory for us than Iran. Iran’s benign relationship with the Jews, in particular, stretches from antiquity through the reign of the late Shah.

Iran as an American ally, no longer working to undermine the new pro-American government in Iraq, and jihadist terror movements around the world suddenly out of money; it could happen.  It can happen, if Israel can win a decisive enough victory in Gaza to “leave Hamas sufficiently reeling to scare even the pro-Iranian Syrians from coming to its aid.”I’m rooting for Israel.Update:  Charles Krauthammer and Peter Wehner have done a good job as well in furthering the argument that “the only acceptable outcome of this war, both for Israel and for the civilized world, is Endgame B: the disintegration of Hamas rule.”  As Krauthammer says,

The one-step-from-madness gangster theocracy in Gaza—just four days before the fighting, the Hamas parliament passed a Sharia criminal code, legalizing, among other niceties, crucifixion—is teetering on the brink. It can be brought down, but only if Israel is prepared—and allowed—to complete the real mission of this war. For the Bush State Department, in its last significant act, to prevent that with the premature imposition of a cease-fire would be not just self-defeating but shameful.

The God of bad mornings

This morning did not go well at all; in fact, it went badly on a number of levels, and I’m already feeling frazzled.  I’m hanging on hard to the truth that God is in charge, command, and control at every point and in every circumstance, and that even in my bad mornings, he’s at work for—among other things—my good.  There is nothing that may go wrong in my eyes that is beyond his power to use, repair, or redeem; and his plans and his understanding are greater than mine, and he sees what will be when I can only see what is not. The Lord gives, the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.