I wound up this evening, through a series of events, teaching the girls how to say “Thank you” in Greek—eucharistō in Koine, which has evolved to efcharistō in modern Greek. Their attempts to pronounce it were (of course) uneven, crowned by our youngest, who at one point came out with “used-car-isto”; I had to tell her no one would take that as a thank-you. The images that one generated were priceless.
lol, I can imagine.
You make me think of talking on the phone to my Vietnamese friend in Chicago. He was trying to teach me to say "nuoc cham" and after several Southern accent attempts, he said "um…that'll have to do." ROFL
Languages are fun. I just wish I knew another one! How wonderful that you are teaching your girls the beauty of words.
Well, we're a pretty wordy house . . . I've been meaning to start them on Greek in earnest, at least the bigger ones; I need to do that.