Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai injured, wife killed

in a highly suspicious car crash.  They were on their way to their rural home when they were hit by a lorry, which PM Tsvangirai says drove at them deliberately.  The roads in Zimbabwe are bad enough that car accidents are nothing unusual, but this one smells like an assassination attempt, especially as the recently-formed unity government has so far been largely non-functional—despite the formal agreement to power-sharing, Robert Mugabe and his thugs have been unwilling to let the MDC do little things like actually govern.  PM Tsvangirai has left the country, going to Botswana for medical care and a little emotional space.When my father-in-law heard this, he said, “That’s blood on the hands of South Africa.”  If this does turn out to be a deliberate attack on the prime minister and his party, then I’ll have to agree.

Posted in Uncategorized, Zimbabwe.

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