Jared made a point today over at Gospel-Driven Church that I’ve been thinking about for a bit as well:
One of the inherent weaknesses in the medium of the weblog is the virtual temporariness of the best writing. A good solid piece may exist on a main page for a brief time, and then it disappears into the aether of the archives or random web searches. If a blogger attracts new readers, they will likely never see past posts unless they are the thorough sorts who read archives. But most are not.
His solution to that is to start reposting pieces, which is something I’ve thought about doing as well, but decided against. Given Jared’s example, though, I’m going to try a different approach to the same issue: putting up links posts to past material on this blog. To organize it, I’m going to limit each post to a particular month—maybe everything worth linking from that month, maybe not, depending. We’ll see how this works. I’ll start with January of 2007 because, though I began this blog in 2003, that was the month in which I first started posting consistently. (Even then, it wasn’t much.)Umm, what was that about grace?
On the confusion of grace and justice.The butterfly effect and the providence of God
On the ways God works through every circumstance.The parable of the three little pigs
“The day of the Lord is like three little pigs who went out into the world to make their fortunes. . . .”