Don’t get drunk on wine, which leads to dissipation
be filled up by the Spirit
- addressing each other with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
- singing and playing to the Lord with all your heart
- giving thanks always for everything
- to God the Father
- in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
- submitting to one another in reverence for Christ
- wives to husbands as to the Lord
- the husband is the head of the wife
just as
- Christ is the head of the church
- being himself the Savior of the body
(This is my own rendering of this passage, laid out in such a way as to show the development of this one, long, classically Pauline run-on sentence. Most English translations chop the sentence up; in particular, they chop it at verse 22 and insert a heading on the order of “Wives and Husbands,” making it appear that Paul is ending one section and starting a whole new thought. In actual fact, he’s still in mid-flight—verse 22 doesn’t even contain a participle, let alone an imperative verb.)
A good verse (and break down of it) to start the day.
Thanks much.