Shameless plug o’ the week

Well, things did in fact slow down after Thursday, but not so’s you’d know it by here, since I haven’t really had the time to write the last couple days. I have, however, been able to bring one of the projects I’ve been working on has come to fruition. Our congregation voted last month to change its name, a vote which was confirmed by our presbytery a week ago yesterday; and as part of all the advertising we’re launching to publicize and build off the name change, our Session voted to lay out the funds to build a new website. I’m proud of them for seeing past the cost to the value of that step.

It’s now up; it isn’t completely done (we still need some more pictures up, and another page or two), but it’s pretty close, and I think it looks really good. Most of that isn’t to my credit (I didn’t design it; we purchased the website and the hosting from a company called Clover, with which I’m quite pleased), and my part of the work will no doubt come in for a fair bit of improvement over the next couple months, but for a start, I’m still quite happy with it. In particular, I’m happy that this website includes an integrated calendar, which will be helpful for us, and that it includes a built-in audio player for uploading sermons.

Which means—and I feel rather silly, but this does make me grin—that I now have sermon audio up. Not much as yet, just the first three sermons of my current series on James (I don’t even have this morning’s up at the moment), but the rest will be coming as I can get it uploaded. The quality, alas, isn’t as good as I could wish, since the congregation is still catching up on the technology, but it’s workable. Which is progress, and I’m pleased.

Posted in Church and ministry, Personal.

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